Vinegar has been a wonder liquid used for a variety of things going back to Babylonian times. It has been used by kings and queens to win bets, as an energy tonic to embolden armies, and even as a means of warding off the Black Plague, according to
Vinegar has historically been used as a medicine, cleaning agent, and a way to get rid of stank smells.
In modern times, vinegar remains just as versatile as it ever was. There are lots of ways to use vinegar in your home that you probably aren’t aware of which can save you time and money.
Here are ways to use it in your home that doesn’t involve food or cooking:
1) Perk Up Wilted Veggies
If you have some leafy greens that are looking a little sorry and wilted you can toss them in cold water and a little bit of vinegar to perk them up.

2) Laundry
Add a cup of vinegar to your rinse cycle to brighten up your colors. The vinegar will eliminate soap residue that builds up in your machine and makes your clothing dull. It also helps to soften your fabric, reduce static, and prevent mildew.
About 1/4 cup of vinegar in your fill dispenser will have the same effect as a laundry softener.

3) Greasy Dishes
Vinegar can help you cut through grease. Mix 2 tbsp. of white vinegar to your liquid dish soap to get through that grease.

4) Microwave Cleaner
The steam from a boiling bowl of vinegar will loosen the caked-on gunk in your microwave.

5) Stemware and Glasses
Sometimes stemware and glasses can become cloudy after being put in the dishwasher or when they are air drying. To prevent this, wrap your glasses in vinegar-soaked paper towels. The cloudy deposits will rinse right off.

6) Pets
You can stop your kitty cat from scratching your furniture or climbing on certain things by spraying it with vinegar. If you want to stop them from causing mischief outdoors, just soak a sponge in vinegar and place it in that area. Cats hate the smell!
If your cat is marking its territory in your home just spray the area with vinegar. This will help get rid of the smell and prevent recurrences. Also, one part of white vinegar and three parts of water poured over a pet stain and blotted will neutralize the order.

7) Water Stains
Get rid of water marks on your wooden furniture by rubbing the area, with the grain, with a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and vegetable oil.

8) Drains
Clean out your drain and garbage disposal by pouring a 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar down your drain. The foam will eat up the gunk as well as deodorize.

9) De-Skunk
Soak your skunked animal or child in a solution of equal parts vinegar and water before your rinse them with fresh water. This will remove the skunk smell.

10) Defroster
Wipe your car windows with a solution of three parts vinegar and one part water to prevent them from frosting over in the winter.

11) Bumper Sticker Removal
If you want to cleanly remove a bumper sticker spray it with white vinegar until it’s completely saturated. It will peel right off. You may have to spray it a few times though.

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