Most of us see orange peels as a barrier to the delicious juicy fruit we want to eat. Once we remove that barrier, we toss it away without thinking twice.
But orange peels are much more than just a barrier. They can be used in a number of ways around your home. Here are some ways to get the most out of your orange peels.
Keep Cats Away From Your Plants
Some cats will use your plants as a chew toy or a bathroom. You can chop up an orange peel into little pieces and place them around the soil of your plants to deter your cats. The citrus smell will be too strong for them.
Make a Candle
All you need to turn an orange peel into a candle is an orange, a knife, some vegetable oil, and a lighter. Check out the tutorial below.
Make Rooms Smell Nice
You can boil some orange peels in water for a few minutes, and also throw in some mint or cinnamon, to make your kitchen smell great. You can also put some orange peels in a glass jar or dish and place it in the room you want to smell nice.
Relieve Anxiety
Rub some orange peel on your temple and forehead to soothe your anxiety.

Keep Brown Sugar Soft
Prevent your brown sugar from hardening by placing an orange peel or two inside the container with the sugar. The oils in the peel help draw moisture away from the sugar so it doesn’t clump up. Replace the peel each month.
Bird Feeder
Fill an orange peel with bird seed and use it as a bird feeder.
Keep Bugs at Bay
Keep some orange peels around in the areas where you spend time outdoors or where you find bugs creeping into your home. The limonene in the orange peels will keep mosquitoes, flies, and ants at bay.

Orange Zest
Make some orange zest to add to your next recipe.
Natural Fire Starter
Orange peels burn longer than paper kindling and can get your fire going very quickly. It will also smell a lot better too! Just make sure that your orange peels are dried out. Be careful because they are very flammable!
Make Candy
Orange peels can also be used to make delicious candies.
Wash Away Soap Scum and Water Stains
Rub an orange peel over faucets, fixtures, and tile to remove soap scum and water stains immediately. You can also fill your sink with warm water, toss in some orange peels, then soak your glassware for five minutes to remove water stains.
Freshen Up Stinky Shoes
Place some peels inside your stinky shoes overnight and let them absorb the odors and replace them with a fresh citrus scent.
Orange Tea
Tired of your regular old teas? You can make a delicious homemade tea from orange peels.
DIY Citrus Cleaner
Add some orange peels to a container filled with vinegar. Let is sit in your fridge for a few weeks, shaking it occasionally. When it’s done, use the solution as an all-purpose cleaner around the home.

Freshen Your Garbage Pail or Disposal

Place some peels in your garbage pail or grind them up in your disposal to get rid of nasty smells.
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