It takes up space, it’s unsightly AND stinky. The garbage cans in most of our homes are not a pretty sight but are an absolute necessity.
That’s why clever DIYers are coming up with smart ways to ensure that their trash cans don’t stick out like an ugly sore thumb.
Here are the best ways to hide or beautify the trash cans around your home:
Tilt-Out Garbage Can
It’s always ideal to hide your garbage can completely when you can. This tilt-out garage not only hides your can away in a clean cabinet that seamlessly blending into your kitchen, but the tilt also provides easy access.
You can learn how to make one by watching the video tutorial below but you can also buy one and just install it in your home.
Garbage Can Enclosure
You can also hide you outdoor garbage bins behind an enclosure. You can use fencing, some pallets, or come up with your own idea. The one below even locks your garbage can away behind a fence with a latch. You can watch the video to learn how to make it.
The Pig in Lipstick Approach
You can make your trashcan look like it’s a part of your home decor by dressing it up a bit. You can paint it, stencil it, or even Mod Podge stuff to it. You can get really creative with this. Anything works as long as you make it look pretty. Learn how to make the one below here.

Slide Out Cabinet Can
This is another piece you can buy for your home but you can also modify any kitchen cabinet and turn it into a slide out the garbage can. Another way to hide the garbage while also providing easy access to it.
Mount It
Another solution is to mount your garbage pail to the inside of your cabinet. You can purchase this mount from Home Depot.
Cover It With a Curtain
You can use your existing open shelf or get a deep shelf at a tag sale and just cover it with a curtain. You can also use a cabinet and just take the doors off.
Box It
You can also build a box or chest to hide your garbage away.
Store It In a Shed
If you already have a shed, you’re in great shape. If not you can build or buy one. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 of how to build your own outdoor garbage can shed.

Cover It With a Planter
Who said a garbage can can’t be beautiful? It definitely wasn’t They invented a cover for a garbage can that has a beautiful planter on the top.
Hide It Behind a Screen
This clever idea welcome people into your home and lets them know what number your house is. You might never guess that there are ugly garbage cans behind it!
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