We all know how loyal dogs are, but we often think of dogs in terms of being loyal to their humans. Dogs can build relationships with other pups, and even become best friends – but we rarely think of dogs as having soul mates like humans do. The bond between these two dogs is like no other. You’ll never guess what this animal shelter did to preserve this special bond.

Royal and Regal are no ordinary pups. These lover dogs found each other in the streets of Taiwan and have been inseparable ever since. Though the dogs had no home, they started a family complete with 6 puppies. The dogs lived together on a building site, at first without any issues. But as the building site neared completion, the dogs needed to find a home.

The workers on the site called Mary Choi, the founder of Mary’s Doggies, an organization that rescues and cares for stray dogs. Mary’s Doggies has anywhere from 50 – 100 stray dogs in their care at any given time, so they frequently have their hands full. When Mary heard about the dog family, she knew she had to do something to rescue the puppies.

“The workmen on the site were preparing to either chase the family of dogs away or call the kill shelter to come and take them away,” Mary shared with The Dodo. She couldn’t bear the thought of the puppies being treated that way, so she decided to go to the site herself. Her initial plan was to at least rescue the puppies, but when she saw the dog family she knew they could not be separated.

“The mother dog, Regal, looked after her 6 puppies, and the father, Royal, stuck by the mother no matter what,” Mary explained. “The two adults were so sweet and caring for their puppies. They were inseparable.” Mary tried to keep the family together as long as possible, but she knew eventually the puppies would have to be adopted individually.

As each of the puppies was adopted, it became more and more apparent that separating the mom and dad dogs would break their hearts. Royal refused to eat when he was kept in a different kennel than Regal. Mary did everything she could to find the couple a loving home, but she did not have much luck. Because the dogs were located in Taiwan, it was hard to find an owner that was willing to adopt a larger dog – and it was nearly impossible to find a home for the two big dogs together.

With her options running out, Mary reached out to the Etobicoke Humane Society in Ontario, Canada. She sent the dogs to Canada, where they had a better chance of being adopted as a pair. The dogs still hadn’t found a home, but at least they were together. “Royal started eating as soon as Regal was with him,” shared Larisa Duravetz, the intake and adoption manager at EHS. “So it was just clear to everyone that they had this connection, and they’d already formed this bond together, and we just didn’t want to separate them. They wanted to be together.”

The couple is still waiting to be adopted, but they have found a lot of compassion in their caretakers. The adoption coordinator at EHS brings the two home as much as possible to get them used to family life. Royal and Regal are so sweet, we hope they find a loving home soon.

When you think of dogs’ love and loyalty, you probably don’t think of your pet loving another dog. Royal and Regal are proof that dogs have humongous hearts with room for everyone.

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