Ah. Dogs. There’s no other animal quite like them. Unless if you’ve have one, it’s hard to understand what it’s really like to be their human. Here are ten things every dog owner will experience at least once in their lifetime.
1. The Fourth of July brings with it a dazzling display of fireworks, but it also means stopping by the vet for enough prescription-strength sedatives to help your anxious dog survive the eardrum shattering holiday.
2. The instant connection between two acquaintances when you simultaneously pull out your phones to show each other this one really funny picture you both took of your dogs the other day.

3. You don’t know why and you’d never do it in public, but you really really like to smell your dog’s paws. If you had to describe the scent, it would be a heady mixture of corn chips and happiness.

4. The official Dog Leash Untangle Dance, performed by two or more leash-holding humans while canine besties catch up on the latest gossip at the park.

5. That adorable head tilt that really should be illegal, because who can say no to that face?!?!

6. Your head knows your dog isn’t human, but your heart isn’t so sure. Like, you’re convinced your dog understands what you’re saying. You even use a special voice to have entire conversations that only makes sense to the two of you.

7. You think your dog is more photogenic than your SO. Not only are there more photos of your dog on your phone, you also have framed pictures hanging on the walls, and your social media profile pic is of you and, you guessed it, your dog!

8. Your dog digging through the cat’s litter box with the same level of excitement as when you dig for that one last Ferrero Rocher at the bottom of the bag.

9. That full-body happy wiggle accompanied by the thwack thwack thwack of a furiously wagging tail too close to a wall. This ecstatic state can be triggered by almost anything, such as toys, food, and that one mega important question: Who’s a goooood doggy??

10. They do this ALL the time.
11. That other full-body wiggle done with four legs up in the air when your dog encounters something amazing and stinky and fun in the grass. It’s usually poop.

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