Taiwan Police Department Recruits Adorable Puppies
Meet the newest members of the police department
D.G. Sciortino

They might look precious and adorable, but one day these puppies will be fearless members of Taiwan’s police force. Though their main job right now is to show off the police force’s softer side, one day they’ll be chasing down criminals and sniffing out bombs or drugs.

But that’s when they get older. Right now they are just a bunch of cute puppies who are really good at being cute and giving you a case of the warm and fuzzies.

The newborn puppies, who are about a month old and named Schumann, Feida, Lucky Star, Brother, AJ and Full Moon, were introduced to the world on June 8. Their mother, who is named Yellow, is one of 22 adult dogs in Taiwan’s K-9 unit, according to Inside Edition.


NPA 署長室
NPA 署長室

They’ve been slowly getting to ready to follow in their mother’s footsteps by posing in K-9 unit outfits with their fellow human officers and on police cars.


They will eventually serve in the Taiwan’s National Police Agency’s (NPA) K-9 Anti-Bomb, Drug Force and Blood Detection units based in Taipei, according to Mashable.

“We will train the puppies to join our police duties,” the NPA’s agency told Mashable.

These little cuties were born on May 9 and their activities, as of right now, basically consist of sleeping and eating.

NPA 署長室
NPA 署長室

“Sometimes, [Lucky Star] would fall asleep while eating, and then he would wake up suddenly and carry on eating like nothing happened,” said Captain Pan from Taiwan’s police force. “How could people not love something as cute as that?”

Many of the NPA’s Facebook page are begging the authorities to keep them posted on their upbringing and look forward to watching them grow into important members of Taiwan’ police force.

NPA 署長室
NPA 署長室

“We hope that in the future the puppies can be like their mother Yellow, that they can pass through training successfully and enter the police force,” the NPA said on Facebook.” The Labradors’ dad Leader is a sniffer dog, too.”

In the meantime, the internet is practically losing it over how incredibly adorable these little babies are.


NPA 署長室
NPA 署長室

“Doggies joining the police force in Taiwan THEY ARE SO CUTE AND CHUBBY,” wrote one Facebook commentor.

“New recruits of the national Taiwan police K-9 unit I’m dying,” said another.”

NPA 署長室
NPA 署長室

There were lots of awwwws and how cutes in the comments section. Many people even volunteered to help train the dogs. And who can blame them… these little ones are are super precious.


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