Spiderman star fulfills his promise to a brave boy who saved his sister from dog attack
The little boy saved his sister from a brutal dog attack and the Spiderman star made sure he knew he was a hero too.
Gianella Argao

By protecting his younger sister from a dog attack last year, a little child who made headlines has been given the promise that Tom Holland will give him the sweetest experience.

Hollywood A-listers like Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., and Tom Holland, who plays the well-known superhero “Spider-Man,” were immediately interested when 6-year-old Bridger Walker’s story went viral in July 2020.

The Avengers wished Bridger well.


They also praised him after hearing about the incident. After the dog bit him, the brave child underwent a two-hour operation and required 90 stitches on his face. At that moment, Holland phoned Bridger and invited him to attend the shooting of the upcoming Spider-Man film.

Holland invited Bridger to the set where “Spider-Man: No Way Home” was being shot, and he has kept his word by doing so. There, the 25-year-old actor provided the youngster and his family with an unbelievable once-in-a-lifetime adventure.


They were able to tour the set.

Bridger practiced throwing webs with Spider-Man while acting as Zendaya’s stunt double. Robert Walker, Bridger’s father, posted pictures and a video from the incredible trip on Instagram.


“We have loved seeing the reviews for @spidermanmovie. While there are so many reasons it will go down as one of the best ever – I personally think it is because the cast and crew are good, kind, and passionate people. Individuals who heard about a little boy’s injury, who wanted to make it right,” the father wrote.

It was the most heartwarming gesture.


Last year, as the two were playing outside their Wyoming home, Bridger shielded his then 4-year-old sister from a German Shepherd mix that raced toward her. The tiny hero took the brunt of the assault.

When questioned why he stepped in, he responded, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

He’s a real-life superhero.

Instagram - robertwalker307
Instagram - robertwalker307

Those are statements you wouldn’t anticipate hearing from a young child, but Bridger was a unique young man. Even though he was little, he had a strong will and would risk anything to defend those he cared about.


Due to his injuries, Bridger has a scar on his face, and his father has posted updates on his healing on Instagram.

What’s important is that he’s safe.

Instagram - robertwalker307
Instagram - robertwalker307

Bridger doesn’t consider his scar to be “something to be proud of,” as Robert earlier stated, but he also does not regard it as a symbol of his courageous deed.

“He just perceives it as ‘I was a brother and that’s what brothers do.’ It’s a reminder that his sister didn’t get hurt, and that she is okay,” he shared.


So he got his well-deserved reward.

“The look on the kids’ faces was priceless,” Robert said in an Instagram post. “When we rounded the blue-screen to see Tom, in full costume, high above the set on a light post.”

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Instagram - robertwalker307

In addition, he said he will never forget the “grace and kindness” that Holland and Zendaya showed him and his family. The 25-year-old actress walked over to his adolescent daughter as soon as they got on the set and complimented her nails.


No wonder the couple is loved by many.

“I don’t know if she will ever know how much that simple act means to me – to see my sweet daughter light up with self-confidence and joy,” Robert remarked.

The father also expressed gratitude to Harry Holland, Holland’s brother, who served as their day’s personal guide. He called him a “gentleman” and a “genuinely good person.”

On a YouTube channel run by Bridger’s family called Bridger Buddies, they posted tidbits of their time spent on the “Spider-Man: No Way Home” set.

Check out the video below to see the Bridger family’s adventure.

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