Admittedly, there’s certainly no shortage of cute and adorable animal pictures on Instagram – but we’re pretty certain you haven’t seen anything as sweet as this little thing before.

Meet Puffie the Chow Chow. Chow Chows are a breed of dogs native to the northern China region and aren’t usually seen anywhere else, why is just one of the reasons why Puffie is such an adorable and special little pup. Chow Chows generally don’t grow very large and reach a maximum height of just about 20 inches. The dog breed itself is also quite old, as it believed that the breed originated over 2,000 years ago.

Anyhow – enough about the Chow Chows themselves, and more about the adorable Puffie. The cute little animal – who resembles a furry marshmallow and looks like a real life teddy bear – was born in February of 2017.

Puffie was taken in by a loving family in Malaysia and was a birthday gift for his soon-to-be owner, who instantly adored him and understandably couldn’t be more charmed by Puffie. His mom Cherrie Pei loved him so much that she started an Instagram account for Puffie to share snaps with the whole world, and they’re absolutely fantastic. The picture below, for example, was taken when Puffie was on its way to his new forever home.

In almost every picture, you can see how cute this little puppy is. It seems like he’s very much enjoying the company of his owners and loves to take naps once in a while. With almost 100,000 followers on Instagram, Puffie is the most popular Chow Chow on the platform – and with these brilliant pics, it’s not hard to see why.
Cherrie also created a Facebook page for Puffie which has already amassed more than 18,000 followers, where she regularly posts updates about Puffie’s life and shares adorable videos. Cherrie herself often describes the appearance of her beloved pet as a ‘cloud with legs’, ‘fluffy caterpillar’, ‘walking potato’ or a ‘walking marshmallow’. Well, she certainly isn’t wrong!

Chow Chows, in general, don’t just have unique looks, as their personality is certainly one of a kind as well. They’re often described as a bit lazy but are generally extremely warm, welcoming and attached dogs. In short – Chow Chows are great pets.

Be sure to check out all of Puffie’s Instagram pictures over here, but be prepared for an overdose of cuteness!
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