How often do you look out of your window and witness something truly remarkable?
Most of us aren’t blessed to live nearby to anything particularly unique – not in the wild animal sense, anyway.

But one homeowner proved he clearly never has to pay for safari tickets after sharing an astonishing video.
The man, who lives in Colorado, was luckily inside when he encountered a group of mountain lions on his home’s front porch.

You certainly wouldn’t want to come across a mountain lion without the protection of at least a pane of glass between you – though these lions don’t actively hunt humans, so you’d probably be okay.
It looks like the reason for this group of lions’ venture into somebody’s yard is innocent: for a quick drink from the water fountain.

Though the lions look pretty chill, the homeowner was obviously in awe at the sight before him.
Luckily for us, he filmed his encounter and uploaded it to YouTube, which is second-best to being able to see these beautiful creatures in person.
The four cats take their time drinking from the water fountain at the edge of the man’s deck, though they’re still quite alert, taking it in turns to watch for any signs of human activity.

Once they’ve had their fill of water, the lions amble around the deck like they own the place.
They might be majestic, but you wouldn’t find us going out to say hello – just look at the size of their paws!

It’s easy to imagine how these beasts are known as the kings of the jungle, the top of the food chain, and so on. They’d win any fight hands-(or should that be paws?) down.
It’s starting to look like the lions are planning to make a permanent home on this man’s front porch, which brings up the interesting dilemma of how long the homeowner could go without leaving. Not hard in the middle of a pandemic, to be fair.

But once the lions have seen everything there is to see, they’re off, presumably for their next adventure.
The homeowner, who stood back from his window so as not to startle the wild animals, follows them with the camera as they walk away.

Almost as quickly as they arrived, in no time at all, the lions have disappeared.
This really is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. Mountain lions keep to themselves, and it’s rare you’ll ever glimpse them in the wild.

According to The National Wildlife Federation, “Mountain lions are stealthy predators, hunting at night and often lying in wait for prey or silently stalking it before pouncing from behind and delivering a lethal bite to the spinal cord. Typically they prey on deer, but also feed on smaller animals, even insects, when necessary. Like all cats, mountain lions are strict carnivores, and they only rarely consume vegetation.”
That’s what makes this rare recording even more special. The chances of seeing a lion in the wild are slim – and they’re even slimmer when you’re talking about your own backyard!

It’s no wonder the video became a viral YouTube hit, with 3.2 million views and counting.
Take a peek at this unforgettable scene in the video below!
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