Steven Thompson, a 26-year-old grown man, was very upset and could not control his anger. So, he had to exert his dominance and express his frustration by punching his 14-pound 9-month-old terrier mix in the face.
He beat the dog so badly that he had to take it to the emergency room.
The reason for all that rage and anger? Well, we’d assume it had something to do with the way he was brought up and possible abuse he endured as a child but, like we said, that’s an assumption. The Sarasota County Sherriff’s Office said that Thompson was upset because the dog chewed up a decorative pillow.
The Sarasota County Sherriff’s Office said that Thompson was upset because the dog chewed up a decorative pillow. Yes, he beat up a living breathing adorable dog, named Sugar, to the point of hospitalization over a pillow.

Thompson brought Sugar to an emergency clinic in Sarasota on Aug. 15. The veterinary staff discovered that the dog was in critical respiratory distress and was suffering from internal injuries.
They knew something was up and started asking Thompson questions.
After a bit of questioning, Thompson finally admitted that he not only struck the dogs several times with a closed fist but he also threw Sugar against the floor, according to WFLA. All because the dog chewed up a pillow that belonged to his girlfriend. Apparently, he didn’t get the memo on dogs and how they like to chew things up.
Apparently, he didn’t get the memo on dogs and how they like to chew things up. Not sure what his idea of owning a puppy was all about, but he clearly was not fit for the position of dog dad. Thompson was arrested, taken into custody and charged with Cruelty to Animals.

He was later released on $1,500 bail.
According to Goodfullness, Thompson said he was exhausted after a 12-hour day of work which is why he acted erratically. He also said he was bitten by the dog at some point during the incident. Goodfullness also reports that authorities said that he “displayed a great deal of remorse” for his action during the arrest.
Sugar was left in the care of the veterinary staff.
It’s really sad that some people are conditioned to react with violence. Especially, when same fragile animals and children are involved. Hopefully, his sentencing required some anger management that will actually solve some of his anger issues so that he will never react with violence again.
And we also hope that Sugar has or will find a new home where she will be safe, loved and cared for forever.
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