We’ve all heard the joke about dogs and mailmen being mortal enemies. This old trope has been featured in tons of different cartoons, TV shows, and comic strips throughout the years. But a mailman in Boulder, Colorado has proven that this stereotype isn’t always true. When an elderly dog on his route was in need, he jumped to the pup’s aid.

Jeff Kramer first met Tashi the black lab when he started a new mail route. When Jeff went to put the mail in Tashi’s owners’ mailbox, the 14-year-old dog came out to greet him.
“As fast as he could — which was not very fast — he ran up to me tail wagging, first day I met him,” Jeff told the DailyCamera. “He’s just a really friendly dog. And I am a dog person, and they can tell.”
Jeff and Tashi quickly formed a bond, and Jeff always looked forward to seeing Tashi on his route. Jeff had lost his dog, Odie, five years before he met Tashi, and spending time with Tashi brought him great joy.
One day, Jeff noticed that Tashi’s owner, Karen Dimetrosky, had to carry Tashi down their porch steps, which was extremely hard on Karen’s back. To help her out, Jeff started carrying Tashi for Karen.
Jeff also told Karen that he had made a ramp for his dog before he passed away, and he asked Karen if she would like the wood. Jeff brought the wood over to Karen’s house. Karen was grateful, but she wasn’t sure how to put the ramp together.
“We’re not very handy,” Karen told the DailyCamera. “I’m more handy than my husband, but I didn’t know how to put that together.”
Without having to be asked, Jeff came over on one of his days off and built the ramp for the Dimestroskys. Karen was relieved that she wouldn’t have to strain her back anymore, and Tashi was thrilled about getting to walk off the porch on his own again.

Jeff and Tashi are still good friends—Jeff attended Tashi’s 14th birthday party, and they always greet each other when Jeff is on his mail route.
“It’s amazing,” Karen told the DailyCamera. “Jeff will come knock on the door and Tashi will get up off his bed and walk out to greet him.”
Jeff and Tashi have formed an amazing bond, and they’ve proven that despite their differences, mailmen and dogs can become great friends. Check out the whole heartwarming story in the video below!
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