Every cat owner knows that if their pet wants to go somewhere, they are going to do just about everything to get there.
I have one cat who thinks he is supposed to go on a daily walk around the yard and I’m constantly chasing him back inside.
It seems like Max the cat’s owners have a lot on their hands when it comes to their ginger kitty!

Max is an adorable orange and white cat that lives in Minnesota, with this sister Gracie.
Max’s owners share his adventures on an Instagram account meant for the two cats, but it seems like Max has taken over the account for all of his antics.
For you see, Max likes to sneak out of the house. To go where? The library!

Yes, you read that correctly. Max has been caught sneaking out of his house to go read at the library.
Max has been caught breaking into the Macalester College library in St. Paul, Minnesota a few times now.
His break-ins haven’t gone unnoticed. The library even put up a note warning students not to let him inside.
*Please do not let in the cat*
His name is Max. Max is nice.
His owner doesn’t want Max in the library. We don’t want Max in the library.

Max wants in the library.
Please do not let Max into the library.
But the thing is, people online tend to root for cats. I mean, who wouldn’t want to go to the school library and hang out with a friendly cat?
Max was even caught on camera once when he broke into the library!

Since hearing about Max’s library ban, many people have voiced their opinions online and begun to create art in Max’s favorite.
Max’s owners are now sharing some of the art they’ve gotten in Max’s defense. Many people have even created library cards for Max, so he can have easy access in and out when he’s trying to rent a book.
His owners have also shared photos of Max in his element at the library. A.K.A. getting pet by every college student that sees him!

Since news of his ban broke, Max has now gained thousands of followers on Instagram. Over 14,000 people are checking in on this cool cat to see what he’s up to!
What would you do if you went to the library and there was a cat inside, reading a book?
Please SHARE this hilarious story with your friends and family on Facebook today.