It’s officially summer which means the temperatures will be rising. And along with the heat and humidity comes sweat.
Not only does sweat leave unsightly stains but it’s also downright stinky.

And no one wants to small bad!
But we here at Shareably got you covered! We’ve compiled a list of hacks to help you beat the summer sweats and keep your armpits, feet, and the rest of you…

1) Dry Shampoo Shoe
Spray your shoes with some dry shampoo before you leave your house to prevent sweaty foot syndrome. The dry shampoo will absorb your foot sweat. You can also sprinkle some baking soda into your shoes and on your feet, but that’s a little bit messier than dry shampoo.
2) Alcohol For Pit Sweat
You can prevent sweat stains from forming under your armpits by spraying the armpits of your shirt with rubbing alcohol before you put it on, or vodka if you start to get sweaty while you’re out and in a pinch.

3) Back of the Neck Sweat Fix
Sometimes sweat can pool in the back for your neck. Not only is it uncomfortable but it can stain your clothing. Try putting some deodorant on the back of your neck to keep the area dry.
4) Wear Cool Fabrics
Synthetic fabrics, like polyester and rayon, tend to trap heat and make you hotter. So, if you’re prone to getting sweaty or just want to keep cool, wear natural fabrics like cotton. They are more breathable and will be much more comfortable in the hot weather.
5) Soak Up Sweat
Pull your shirt inside out and place panty liners in the armpit area. This will soak up any sweat that forms. You can also put them in your bra if you have boob sweat.
6) Fight Feet Sweat
You can try to reduce the pores in your feet to make them sweat less by brewing two black tea bags in a pint of water. Add in two quarts of cold water to the hot tea and pour it into a bowl. Let your feet sit in the bowl for a half hour.
7) Deodorant Stains
Extra heat = extra coats of deodorant. If you get deodorant stains on your shirt you can wipe them away with a dryer sheet.
8) Stinky Feet Sachet
Pour some baking soda into a coffee filter and tie it off at the top so you have a little sachet. Place the sachet into your shoes and let it sit overnight. This will absorb the stinky smells in your shoes.
9) Suck Out the Stink With Salt
Soak your feet in a mixture of kosher salt and warm water 20 minutes every day for about two weeks. This will suck out the moisture from your skin and reduce stink-causing bacteria.

10) Outsmart Sweat With Clothes
Try wearing clothes with large armholes to prevent armhole staining or invest in clothing that is meant to wick away moisture.

11) Avoid Caffeine and Spicy Foods
Spicy or caffeine-filled food and drinks may actually cause you to sweat more. You may want to lay off of them in the summer or when wearing clothes that are susceptible to staining.

12) Baby Powder Everything
Sprinkle some baby powder all over your sweat prone body parts when you get out of the shower. This should help keep you fresh throughout the day.

13) Remove Sweat Stains From Clothing

Spray your clothing with lemon juice before you toss it in the wash. This will remove and also help prevent reoccurring sweat stains on your clothing.
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