Skunks. We can almost smell them from here…
These furry black and white critters aren’t usually something we’d ‘ooo’ and ‘awe’ over. As we all know, they have a pretty pungent defense mechanism that will leave you wreaking for a few days.
Unfortunately, they’ve got a stinky reputation, and you never know when you could run into one of them on an adventure.

This cyclist, in particular, couldn’t have guessed what he’d run into on his trail ride. When going on a cycling trek there’s a lot to prepare for.
But out of all the things to prepare for you can still have some unexpected surprises along the way.

It was just an average day riding along the Pointe-Taillon National Park when a cyclist saw a black and white furball scurrying toward him from afar. The cyclist stopped riding to make sure he wouldn’t collide into the moving critter and waited. While he waited he decided to take a video of the entire interaction.
As the furry animal came closer and closer you could tell exactly what it was.

It was a family of skunks excited to meet the cyclists! That’s right, skunks. Now usually anyone would have road away in fear, but this cyclist stayed cool and calm, which probably worked out in his favor. He welcomed the precious family of skunks as they sniffed around his bike wheels and shoes. There were four baby skunks and one mama skunk that wrangled them all together.
The furry family seemed so curious about what this giant wheel was doing on their trail route.

If you never knew what skunks sounded like, this video will definitely shock you. They made the weirdest high pitched screech while inspecting his bike wheel and shoe. Who would have thought they made such a bizarre noise?
Thankfully this mama skunk didn’t feel too threatened by the cyclist!

It’s pretty rare that someone would come out of that smelling like normal. This family of skunks was ready to explore something new and this cyclist happened to be what they were so interested in. After they all had their sniffs at him, the adorable family ran off to continue their day on the trail. Luckily, this cyclist had his camera out and ready to record this incredible interaction.
It’s not every day that a family of skunks would be running on over to greet you.

You could say this cyclist was definitely in the right place at the right time. The video has over 5 million views on YouTube. Once you watch it for yourself you’ll probably watch it another 5 times just because of how cute this meet and greet is.
Although these stinkers are known for their stench, this video makes us realize just how sweet skunks can be.

We never would have thought we’d be gushing over a family of skunks. But, here we are, mesmerized by this once in a lifetime interaction. We’re just happy this cyclist didn’t get sprayed by this adorable skunk family!
Watch the amazing meet and greet below
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