Imgur user mykittentotoro, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She knew that she was going to have a long road ahead of her, but was ready for the fight. She began to research ways to help her cope with her upcoming treatments.
A friend suggested that she get a kitten to help her cope and deal with the emotions surrounding her cancer diagnosis.
“We have two other cats, but who doesn’t love kittens,” she told Love Meow.
She and her fiancé went to visit a farm that recently had a new litter of kittens. The kittens were too small to be adopted yet, so, she went back every couple of days to visit them. It was one cat, in particular, though, that really caught her eye.

She and her soon-to-be-husband recently lost one of their foster cats and were looking for the perfect kitten for their family. She told her fiancé which kitten she was really loving, but it was time for her to go have a lumpectomy performed so she couldn’t go get her.

While she was recovering from surgery, her fiancé brought home their new fur baby — an adorable kitten named Totoro.
“She took to our home immediately, even though she had lived in a barn and free-roaming her entire life. Our two adult cats accepted her after only a couple of days. She is very close with our male cat, and is well tolerated by our other female.”
When Totoro moved to an indoor environment, she didn’t realize there would be one major perk — cuddles! She and her owner snuggle together for hours on end.

“She loves perching on shoulders, kneading, purring loudly… and batting your eyelashes while you’re sleeping,”
As her cancer treatment continued, Totoro provided much need affection and love. She hardly ever leaves her side.

“She has been such a positive healing force in my life, even in the short time she has been in it. The timing was somehow perfect, and we are so lucky to have found her,” she says of her amazing kitten.
The chemotherapy treatment took the woman’s hair, but she’s not letting that get her down. Plus — he has Totoro to keep her warm.
“When chemo takes your hair, but your kitten keeps your head warm at night. Thanks Totoro!”
Every single night, she has Totoro cuddled right up next to her head to provide her with comfort and warmth in a way that is too adorable for words.

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