Animals and objects, they don’t always get along. This rather young black bear that was wandering around in Perry Township, Clarion Country, Pennsylvania, was stuck with a bucket over its head for well over a month.
Officials from the Pennsylvania Game Commission were aware that there was a bear out there that needed serious assistance but claimed that they couldn’t do anything themselves as long as the bear was healthy and mobile. However, with a bucket on its head and its eyesight completely obstructed, it was clear that the bear wouldn’t be healthy for much longer.
When Dean Hornberger and Samantha Eigenbrod heard the news that there was a ‘bucket bear’ wandering around in the area, they decided to take the matter into own hands and try and find and rescue the bear from its precarious position.

Dean and Samantha put together a rescue group of volunteers to locate the black bear, as reported by The Patriot-News. Dean heard about the bear when he saw a photograph of the animal being shared on his Facebook timeline.
“I can’t believe this ‘dude’ has been running around with it for so long.”, one woman says in the video.
“I saw [it] last night on Facebook and I said ‘you know, we gotta wake up tomorrow morning and try and find him’. We walked for like an hour through the woods before we picked up him, but we did find him.”
At first, the rescuers try to loosen the bucket in an open pasture, but the bear is understandably very scared as he has no idea what’s going on. Despite their best efforts to relieve the bear from his burden on the spot, the bucket-shaped object was still very much attached to the bear’s head.
The bear escaped and ran away into a couple of bushes, and is also seen running across a quite busy street a couple of seconds afterward. With no hesitation at all, the rescuers chase the bear and try to stop the cars in order to prevent the bear from getting hit.
Luckily, the volunteers manage to ‘trap’ the bear a little bit later and put him on the ground with pure manpower. Although this might seem like an excessive rescue method, it was the only one that would work without using tranquilizers.
Sooner rather than later, the bucket that was stuck on the bear’s head is sawn loose after which the bear gladly escapes in a somewhat wild manner.
Thanks to the courageous efforts of these volunteers, the bear was finally free of his bucket burden after one long month.
An amazing group of animal lovers!
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