Antiperspirant and deodorant are necessities in our lives. They keep us from smelling stinky and becoming a sweaty mess. But it may also become a necessity in your household for things other than your armpits.
Here are some little-known deodorant and antiperspirant hacks.
Soothe a Mosquito Bite
The aluminum salts in deodorant will relieve a mosquito bite and prevent it from itching.

Secret Hiding Place
An empty deodorant tube makes a great place to hide your money and keys when you’re traveling.
Prevent Blisters
Rub some deodorant on the blister prone areas of your feet before putting on new shoes. The deodorant creates a barrier between your foot and shoe and will prevent blisters.
Keep Your Glasses On
Rub some deodorant on the bridge of your nose to prevent your glasses from slipping off.
Pen and Other Marks/Scuffs
If you find any pen stains or other marks on your walls or other surfaces you can use spray deodorant and wipe the mark away.
Dry Out a Zit
If you need to get rid of a zit fast you can rub deodorant on it to dry it up.

Stop Chaffing
Rub some deodorant on in places where you usually chaff, like your thighs, to prevent a rash from breaking out.
Soothe Razor Burn
If you’ve got razor burn on your legs and other areas, you can rub some deodorant over the area to soothe the burn. It will also prevent ingrown hairs.
Fix a Squeaky Door
If your door hinge is squeaking, you can rub some deodorant on the hinges to lubricate it and stop the noise.

Prevent Stinky Feet
Spray or rub antiperspirant on the bottom of your feet to prevent your feet from getting sweaty and stinky.
Remove Nail Polish
If you are all out of nail polish remover, you can use spray deodorant on a cotton ball to take off your nail polish.

Neck Sweat
You can rub antiperspirant on the back of your neck to prevent the area from getting sweaty.
Sweat-Free Undergarments
You can rub or spray antiperspirant on the inside of your bra and other undergarments to prevent it from getting sweaty and chaffed.
Get Leather Pants On
You can rub deodorant on your legs to help you slide into leather pants.

Make Your Closet Smell Good
Leave an open container of deodorant in your closet or drawer to make it smell good and rid of that musty scent.
Prevent a Sweaty Palm

If you want to prevent a sweaty handshake you can rub some antiperspirant on your palm before your meeting.
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