In this day and age, it often feels like we can’t turn on the news without seeing a story about something awful happening in the world.
Whenever we pick up our phones, we get another alert about a terrible act to humans are committing against other humans. It is hard to feel positive when it seems like so much bad news is surrounding us.
But, where this is bad, there is always good. If you are feeling inundated with negativity, there is something that will make you smile no matter what. Animals smelling flowers.
Flowers smell great. As humans, we understand that and can talk about their different scents. But we aren’t the only ones who can enjoy the smell of a good flower. Animals also love flowers too!
If you need a reason to smile, just read this list to feel ooey gooey!
1. This giant white tiger

2. This previous bunny surrounded by many flowers

3. This little raccoon leaning forward for a big sniff

4. These two orangutans sharing a special moment

5. This little donkey taking a quick sniff break

6. This little European hamster

7. This baby iguana who can admire any flower, big or small

8. This dog who could not be happier

9. This angelic Beagle leaning over to smell some yellow flowers

10. This sweet orange kitty

11. This polar bear who adores flowers

12. This big bear proves no matter how big an animal is, they all love flowers

13. This tiny red panda

14. And finally, is there any animal cuter than this?

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