Just like human moms, mother bears go to great lengths to protect their young. No matter what the stakes are, they’ll make sure that their babies are safe and sound.
And police officers make sure it’s their duty to help people and animals alike. Even if they are staring down the eyes of a mother bear protecting her young.
That’s why a state trooper and officers from the Town of Carroll Police Department in New Hampshire decided to help a baby bear who was in distress as his mother stood by.
Trooper Thomas Owens got a call from someone who reported that bears were in the middle of the road near the Bretton Woods Ski Resort, according to WMUR9.

The officer spotted the mother bear walking back and forth across the streets as her cubs followed. This was very unusual to him because normally the mother bear would just cross the street and not look back.
Eventually, he realized what the mother bear was up to.
He noticed that one of her little babies weren’t able to keep up with the rest of the pack. The little guy appeared to be sick. He was too weak to make it and just plopped himself down into the middle of the road.
The mother bear knew she had two choices: stick around and jeopardize all four of her babies leaving them at risk to get hit by a car or abandon the lagging child.

She decided that she had to leave the sick little baby alone and continue to safety with the rest of her babies.
That’s when the state police and New Hampshire Fish and Game officers removed the tiny cub and brought him to a rehabilitation center in Lyme.

“After doing some bear traffic control we had to take one bear cub in for Fish and Game to be rehabilitated as it was too weak to keep up with it’s mom and siblings,” the Town of Carroll Police Department said on Facebook.
Apparently, that wasn’t the only sick little cub in her pack.

“This is the mother that had five cubs out in Bretton Woods, another cub had to be picked up yesterday as well. This leaves her with three other very healthy cubs that she can now focus on and take care of,” the police department said.
Police said that the two cubs will be rehabilitated and returned to the wild when they are healthy enough. They also reminded folks never to handle wild animals and to immediately call the police or the Fish and Game Department if an animal is found in distress.
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