Everyone knows the stereotype about cats and dogs. Though they are both the most popular house pets, they couldn’t be more different.
Dogs are known to be obedient, while cats are seen as independent.
They are also known as the sworn enemies of the animal world. Thus the phrase, “fight like cats and dogs.” The very definition of the phrase is “to have angry arguments all the time.”
And if you’ve ever seen cats and dogs that don’t know each other in real life, then you’ll know this is for the most part true. There are circumstances when cats and dogs who’ve grown up together do get along.

However, in some households, the dogs and cats remain mortal enemies.
It’s difficult to assess the relationship between two pawed critters who are making their rounds on the internet. A video posted by The Dodo shows an epic battle raging between a cat and dog inside a house.
The cat makes the first move, swiping at the dog’s face as he comes close. The do quickly becomes on guard and jumps backward before making his way toward the cat again.
The cat is NOT having it. It swipes back at the dog’s face attempting to attack him. The dog isn’t prepared to back down and snaps back at the cat. The dog begins to circle the cat sustaining several blows from the cat’s paws.
Still… he refuses to back down. His point must be made.
The two spar back and forth quite a bit and the cat gets plenty of good shots in. The poor dog basically just takes it. He offers a few biting snaps but never actually makes contact with the kitty.
Eventually, the dog surrenders by laying down with his two paws sticking out.
The cat comes after the dog, even though he’s surrendered, with her paw up and ready to strike. The cat looks as if it’s going to deliver her final blow to finish the dog off, but at the last moment, she changes her mind.

She lowers her paw and put her face close to the dog. She then gives him some cute little kisses on his doggie snout.
And it’s the cutest damn thing you’ve ever seen.
The Dodo’s video has gotten more than 12 million views. You can watch the cat and dog’s delightful exchange in their video below.
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source: The Dodo