You’d never think about it when you’re visiting the zoo, but orangutans are actually way smarter than you think. At least that’s one one zoo-visitor discovered when he and an orangutan engaged in trade in this video. Check out this amusing exchange between man and wild.

Vitaly never knew that a stop in Bali would be worth it
Vitaly R is a young man who traveled with friends to Bali. During their visit, they decided to drop by a public zoo to check out the sights and have a good time. The video opens shortly after Vitaly and his friend made it to the Orangutan exhibit.

Thanks to his friend’s urging, Vitaly didn’t have to miss out…
Vitaly leaned over the wall separating the exhibit from the rest of the zoo and called out to get the orangutan’s attention. The primate didn’t pay much attention at first and you could see Vitaly begin walking away with a look of disappointment on his face. The video could have ended right there, but his off-screen friends spoke with him, prompting him to give it another try.

He made an offer the orangutan couldn’t resist
Vitaly returns to the wall and leans over looking at the animal. He has a treat in hand that he tosses across. It looks like the orangutan catches the treat and eats it in a single bite. Then the orangutan looks towards the camera, almost as if recognizing that its on camera and considering making the encounter a show worth remembering.

It seemed like a fair trade
The orangutan looks towards Vitaly. There’s a moment’s stare as both man and animal stare at each other. Then, the large orange furred creature turns its head and picks up what looks like a banana from its side. He raises his arm and winds up for a toss.

Before a live audience, man and wild made a connection
Vitaly, understanding the animal’s intent, extends his arms and calls out that he’s ready. The orangutan lines up his shot then flings the banana over to the man’s delight and the amusement of onlookers.

He wasn’t sure if he needed it, so Vitaly offered a return
After sharing a chuckle with the other onlookers, Vitaly returns to the wall and attempts to return the gift back. He tosses it across expecting the animal to take it back and forget the trade ever happened.

Would the orangutan accept the return or…
But the orangutan has other plans. It knows that it was an accepted fair trade, so it winds up to toss the banana back. The cameraman laughs recognizing that this animal was too stubborn and proud to make it a one-sided exchange. Vaitaly knows too and can only smile and extends his arms to receive his ‘purchase’. He made the trade so he’ll accept the animal’s gift.

He couldn’t help but smile at the strange encounter
The animal flings the banana back to Vitaly’s waiting hands. After receiving his ‘purchase’ back from the orangutan, Vitaly and the camera man share a laugh as he walks off. The video ends with a great shot of Vitaly’s bright smiling face.

It wasn’t as surprising as you might think
Orangutans are some of the most intelligent creatures on earth. Not only did this one understand the concept of a fair trade and showed integrity in not taking back something that was fairly purchase, but some can even remember the past. So we have to wonder if this strange and incredible encounter will be one remembered by that orangutan for years to come.

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