While it’s hard to believe, a lot of people abandon their pets. It’s very sad, but it is a cold, harsh reality of the world.
Although most people simply abandon their pet without saying anything, others have started to use the Internet in their attempts to ditch their pets… and this is slowly becoming a trend.
For example, the video below discusses an anonymous individual who published an ad on Craigslist that was titled “Dog needs gone or shot.” It basically said that if someone didn’t adopt their dog Fido, then Fido would be killed.
This is a horrible and terrible thing to do to dogs. And we’re not the only ones to think so. One pet owner had enough of these Craigslist ads and decided to speak their mind about this horrible new trend.
Below is a picture of her pets, a cat and a dog, and the message she wrote.
The angered Craigslist poster opened her post with the subject: “This is my dog….” and posted the following below this photo:

“…I have had her for six years. She has been frustrating and infuriating at times. She has cost me money I wanted to spend on other things. She has been inconvenient at times. I’ve had to arrange my life with her in mind. I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world, because I love her and she brings me joy. Now, to get to the point of this post. I want to tell you about something amazing that I did. I MOVED. I moved three times actually. Amazingly, I KEPT MY F***ING DOG! Can you imagine? Did you know someone can move and still keep their dog? What an amazing concept, isn’t it? Oh, I also got married, had a baby, and changed jobs, AND STILL MANAGED TO KEEP MY DOG! Am I the only human being alive who’s been able to do this? See that little cat next [to] my dog in the picture, well we just found out she has AIDS, yes, feline AIDS. She will require expensive medicine for the rest of her short life. Guess what? I’M KEEPING THE F***ING CAT TOO. I’m not going to dump her off on Craigslist to assuage some mild hint of guilt I feel because I’m too lazy, weak and irresponsible to fulfill a commitment I made to a living, loving animal. To all you who do otherwise, F*** YOU! I hope your spouse leaves you, penniless and alone. May God keep you, though you don’t deserve it.”
Help bring an end to abandoning pets. Please SHARE this important post with everyone you know.