For costume enthusiasts or candy lovers, Halloween is a wonderful holiday.
For some, it is a chance to show off their creativity and/or sewing skills. For others, it is a time to mingle with friends and eat as much candy as you possibly can before your sugar rush is over.
With that said, Halloween costumes are an art form in themselves. Some can be simple, others can be over the top, and some aren’t scary at all.
If you are looking for some unique, punny costume ideas for next Halloween, you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled 30 pun-inspired costumes for you to review below.
1. Amazon Prime
Optimus Prime may be the leader of the Autobots, but Amazon Prime is the leader in fast, quality package delivery.

2. Friday the 13th – Black Friday edition
Get an exclusively terrifying lake experience 50% off when you book your trip on Black Friday the 13th!

3. The Blue Screen of Death
Any computer enthusiast knows that when you’re faced with a blue screen, your computer has essentially kicked the bucket.

4. Cat-calling
Wearing a cat costume on Halloween is far from an original, unique costume. But a cat costume that serves as part of a pun? Now that’s some out of the box thinking.

5. Ceiling fan
There’s no better person to raise the roof at a party than a ceiling fan.

6. Chick magnet
Watch out ladies and gentlemen, we got a chick magnet rolling through. Prepare your chicks!

7. Deviled Eggs
There’s something devilish about that egg costume there. Looks like it might raise some “hellfire”.

8. A perfect line of dominoes
Nothing to see here, just a set of dominoes. There’s a pizza costume, you say? No, just dominoes to me.

9. Dr. Strange…r Things
Not only is this costume very creative, but now I’m wondering about a crossover between the two series.

10. Dunkin Donuts
I know I for one always slam donuts whenever I see them.

11. 50 shades of grey
Are you looking for just the right shade of grey? No worries, this guy has got you covered.

12. A formal apology
This one is especially creative because it’s a head scratcher. I didn’t grasp the pun at first. But when it hits you, you almost feel a little proud for figuring it out.

13. French kiss
I especially love their song, “I Want to Rock and Roll All Night – With A Baguette.”

14. It’s the Gingerbread man
He’s a ginger-haired fellow. He has bread. And he’s a man.
3/3 prime costume right there.

15. Green with envy
This is another head scratcher. One is green, another has a sign that says envy on it.
Wait for it… this couple is green with envy!

16. Han Solo Red Cup
I’m sure she wasn’t solo for long with this hilarious costume.

17. Homer Simpson
Imagine reading The Iliad narrated by Homer Simpson.

18. Internet Explorer
He is going where men used to go before, and now few men do!

19. Iron Man… literally
Who wore it better?

20. Jack in a Box
This one took a little outside of the box thinking, but the result paid off.

21. Jon Snow White
These two characters have more in common than they realize. For example, Jon Snow and Snow White were both brought back for the dead in one way or another.

22. Netflix and chill
With that pose and candor, can’t say I wouldn’t Netflix and chill with this guy. He seems like a chill guy.

23. Nickelback
If I had a nickel for every time someone said they didn’t like Nickelback…

24. Nunchucks
Ain’t nothing to see here. Just some Chucks dressed as nuns.

25. The Spice Girls
I would say these girls costumes are spicy, but not all of them are dressed as paprika.

26. Taco Belle
It’s a tale as old as time.

27. The Atoms Family
I wonder who the nucleus would be of this family.

28. Universal healthcare
For Americans, the concept of universal healthcare seems out of this world.

29. Zom-bee
There’s nothing more terrifying than a bee that doesn’t die after it stings you. That just means it can sting you again in perpetuity!

30. The Black Pink Panther
Before Black Panther took the box office by storm, there was another panther around these parts… the pink panther. And when you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

I love all of these creative costume ideas! Which one was your favorite? I loved Taco Belle!
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