Does it take a LONG TIME to clean your house? If your house is not particularly large, it may take longer because you are not cleaning in the most efficient way. These house cleaning tips will blow your mind. They will make cleaning much quicker and easier. Here are 31 tips that you need to know right now.
DIY Hardwood Floor Cleaner

There is a special remedy for cleaning hardwood floors. Using this recipe, your floors are sure to shine. You’ll only wish you had discovered this incredible tip sooner.
Lint Roller On Screen Doors

Up until this moment, I never knew how to properly clean a screen door. Looking back it just makes so much sense! Save yourself tons of time and use a lint roller to clean screen doors.
Vinegar For Your Microwave

Mix together vinegar and water for an easy way to clean your microwave. This mixture will get out the stains without adding toxic chemicals to a space where you will place future food. DIY cleaners really are the way to go.
Vacuum The Vents

Bathroom vents can get pretty dirty, so it is always a good idea to clean them. Make the task simple by vacuuming the vents after gently scrubbing them with warm, soapy water. Ta-da, you’re all done!
Clean The Couch With Ease

Microfiber couches might seem like a drag to clean, but it really isn’t so bad. Spray rubbing alcohol on any water or grease stains, and use a hair dryer to dry the stains away. If the spots still won’t come out, try scrubbing them with baby wipes until the whole area is damp.
Deep Clean Faucet Handles

Faucet handles can get pretty gross, and cleaning them is a tricky task. Use Q-tips to clean out the grime underneath the knob. This tip is sure to make your cleaning routine much easier.
Magic Erasers On Oven Glass

Magic erasers are much better to use on your oven than harsh chemicals. Wet and dry erasers make the perfect cleaning devices. Scrub in small sections and keep moving until the entire glass is cleaned. It’s going to look amazing!
Overnight-Soaked Stove Burners

Stove burners can be a nightmare to clean, but if you soak them overnight your problems will be solved. Pour a cup on ammonia into ziplock bags, soaking the burners in them. By the morning they should look so much better.
Brush Out Your Garbage Disposal

A sink is often the dirtiest part of a kitchen. It is a good idea to clean your sink regularly to minimize exposure to toxins. When it comes to cleaning the garbage disposal, lift the splash guard. Clean away the food crud with a toothbrush, and any weird smells will be gone.
Degreaser To The Rescue

Next time your hood filter needs cleaning, try a water-based degreaser. This is a much more natural method of cleaning out your filter, and it can be found at most auto parts stores. This is honestly THE FASTEST way to get the job done.
Pine-Sol For The Win

You probably haven’t thought about your toilet brush container being dirty before, but it can be a pretty gross spot if it isn’t kept clean. Pour a little Pine-Sol in the bottom of the container and leave it there. Now you have an easy way to sanitize your toilet brush.
Clean The Walls With A Swiffer

Cleaning the walls doesn’t need to be a big chore. Simply grab a Swiffer and start wiping the walls. This trick works great with dust mops too – anything with a long handle and a flat surface.
Clean Your Air Vents With A Cloth

You can use a butter knife and cloth to give your air vents a deep cleaning. Use the knife to press the cloth in between each slit, and remember to pay attention to detail. This awesome tip will definitely spare your time and frustration as you spring clean.
DIY Glass Stove Cleaner

You can make your own glass stove cleaner. All you need are three ingredients: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. For best results, brush the mixture on with a toothbrush or small cleaning brush, then let it set for a few minutes. Rinse away, and your stove will look better than ever.
Car Wax To Prevent Spills

Spilling something on your glass stove top is THE WORST. Stop future spills by spreading a little bit of car wax across it. The stove top will look shiny, and you won’t have to worry about a big mess.
Wash The Washing Machine

Have you ever thought about cleaning your washing machine? It washes so many loads of laundry, it is probably a good idea to give it a little cleaning of its own. Add hot water and a quart of bleach into the machine to give it a wash cycle for itself.
Q-Tips On The Baseboards

Q-Tips are amazing because they fit into so many tight spaces. Use them to clean out the nooks and crannies of your baseboards next time you are expecting company. Then seal the deal with a dryer sheet.
DIY Tile Cleaner

Store-bought tile cleaner can be expensive, but you can make a great cleaning solution for a fraction of the price. Mix together baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap for an affordable cleaning product that works great. You can even use it on the grout!
Scrub Your Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is easy to clean, especially if you know what products to use. Make a paste out of baking soda, cream of tartar, and hydrogen peroxide. Then spread it around the sink, and rinse clean. Voila.
Polish Window Tracks

Cleaning out the window tracks can be frustrating, but it is also necessary. So much dust and dirt build up there! Mix together baking soda and white vinegar, then scrub the tracks with a toothbrush. They will look new in no time.
Wash Out The Dishwasher

The DIY cleaning solutions are the way to go. When it comes to products in the kitchen, you always want control over what chemicals are being used. Clean out your dishwasher with baking soda, bleach, and vinegar. You’ll be so glad you did.
Paint Your Toaster Clean

Cleaning a toaster can be tricky; these appliances have so many hard-to-reach places. Mix dish soap and vinegar together into a solution, then paint it onto the toaster with a small paintbrush. You’ll be able to get the grime out of every little crack.
Rain-X On Shower Doors

Shower doors can quickly become unsightly due to water drops and streaks. Luckily Rain-X works like a charm. Use it on your glass shower doors to prevent them from being covered by water stains in the future.
Clean Blinds With Kitchen Tongs

Blinds are just plain hard to clean, but this trick will make your life a little easier. Wrap kitchen tongs in microfiber cloths, one around each tong. Then squeeze them together gently as you run the fabric along the blinds. Much better!
Disinfect Your Vacuum

Vacuums suck up a lot of messes, so they may start to smell weird after a while You may be able to solve the problem by having your vacuum take up some Downy Unstoppables, but be warned: this tip is not for all vacuum types. Check your manual to see what your vacuum can handle.
Whiten Pillow Cases With Ease

No one likes a dingy pillow case. If your head has to go there, you want the space to be clean. Throw the pillows in the washer along with Borax, bleach, laundry detergent, and dish soap. Finally, your pillows will be white again.
Overnight Shower Head Remedy

Shower heads can definitely be tricky to clean. For the best results, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and seal it around the shower head. Let it soak overnight, then wash it off in the morning.
Clean Grout Quickly

When it comes to cleaning grout, Chlorox Cleaning Gel is the best tool for the job. Part of what makes it so amazing is that the gel sticks in place. If you have to clean, you might as well make it as easy as possible.
Dryer Sheets On Faucets

Dryer sheets are great at cleaning chrome faucets. Who knew? They remove grime and help protect against future water stains.
Deep Clean Your Mattress

It is a good idea to clean your mattress every so often -after all, you sleep, sweat, and possibly even share intimate time there. This great tip will help you clean your mattress easily and effectively. You’ll be able to sleep well knowing that every part of your house is clean.
Clean your brooms

We use our brooms to clean which means they can get pretty gross. To clean your broom, soak it in a buck of warm water and dish soap. Let it air dry before you put it away. You should also spray your brooms with disinfectant after each use.
When it comes to cleaning, there’s a right and a wrong way. These tips are sure to save you energy and stress. Share your favorite in the comments below.
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Source: Of Life And Lisa