In 2018, there are many stories that we see in the news and online that make us question humanity.
It seems like for every positive story we read or hear about, there are more 10 stories that are horrified and terrible that will make us hate everything and everyone.
This story about a mother dog and her puppies starts out pretty terribly. The dogs were all left for dead in the middle of nowhere.

Yes, you read that right. A mama dog and her puppies were dumped in the middle of nowhere on a road in Brazil.
In fact, they were left on a dirt road, tied up inside of a bag. At first, it appeared as if it was just the mom, but then rescuers found her puppies inside of the bag.
Josiane Almeida, an animal rescuer from Lagoa da Prata, Brazil, was told about the situation. So, she and her husband rushed to pick up the dogs to get them to safety.

Josiane posted a video of finding the dog on Facebook. With the video, she shared this caption:
“Some of the worst scenes of mistreatment I’ve ever witnessed! If you do not have the strength do not see! Mother sick with puppies tied in a sack and thrown in the middle of nowhere!
It’s been there for quite some time! Puppies dizzy and weak due to shortness of breath and mother bleeding a lot! What cowardice! What a sin but God will charge this I’m sure! See until the end!”

Since Josiane shared the video in February, it has been viewed over 5 million times. The post has gotten 140,000 shares and there are thousands of comments.
As you can see in the video below, the mama dog was wary of the humans approaching her and her babies at first.
But once she realized that Josiane was there to help, she warmed up to her new friend. Only one of this dog’s puppies were outside of the bag, while the other three were trapped inside with their mother.

It is unknown what happened to these dogs before they were found. Clearly, they were with an owner that did not have their best interest at heart. The puppies were all lethargic when they were found, but after eating and drinking they were said to be doing better.
Many commenters were furious that anyone would do something so cruel to a dog. One commenter wrote (originally in Portuguese):
“Whoever did this cannot be called a human being, monsters, this yes, I can bear to see such cruelty”

Josiane brought the animals to the town’s vet to have them all checked out. The puppies were in good health, but their mom had a malignant growth that needed to be taken care of immediately.
In order to fund the dog’s health care, Josiane turned to Facebook to ask for donations. The dog’s medical care cost 683,000 Brazilian real (which is roughly $207,877.88).
Thanks to the donations she received, Josiane was able to get the mama dog into her first round of chemotherapy.
Josiane wrote on Facebook, “Before, this family was smothered in a sack tossed out to die, but as God is good, we managed to get them out of suffering!
They live well with me today! Thank you God for giving me this opportunity.”

Please SHARE this rescue story with your friends and family on Facebook today.