Cleaning the outside of a car is important, but so is cleaning the inside. Our cars take us everywhere – meaning that they quickly become dirty. We constantly bring in new germs on our shoes and belongings, making it essential to know how to clean a car properly. Here are 9 great ways to clean the inside of your car.
1. Prevent small items from falling between the center console and the seat.

Cut a piece of pipe insulation to the appropriate size, then stuff it down between the center console and the front seat. You’ll never have to look for loose change under the seat again.
2. Get stubborn stains out of hard-to-reach places.

Cupholders can get quite sticky, so this hack is one you’ll definitely want to know. Spray water on a melamine sponge, then scrub. Even tough stains should come out.
3. Clean the dust out of those vents.

Vents are HARD to clean. It’s a real pain to push a rag in between those tiny cracks. Luckily, sponge brushes fit perfectly. Now you can clean your vents with ease.
4. Make a more natural air freshener.

Essential oils are good for pretty much everything, and this is no exception. First place several drops of hot glue on a clothespin, then place cotton balls on the glue drops. Pour a little of your favorite essential oil onto the cotton balls, or create your own unique blend by scenting each ball differently.
5. Sanitize your car seats.

Car seats can become smelly, especially if you frequently leave damp clothing on them. If your seats could use a little freshening up, generously pour carpet cleaner over them. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes, then vacuum the cleaner – and the smell – away.
6. Keep a mini tissue dispenser.

Cut a rectangular hole in the middle of a coffee cup lid. Next, cut the tissues from a new box in half. Place them inside the cup so that you can pull out each one through the lid. No more messy car rides.
7. Vacuum the inside of your car.

Some vacuums come with a special wand that is shaped to get the dirt out of tough-to-reach spots. If yours doesn’t, there’s no need to stress. Place the cardboard tube from a paper towel roll over the end of the vacuum wand, and secure it with duct tape. Next add more duct tape to the top of the tube, collapsing it down until the end has a narrow opening. Now you can reach under the seats, in the cracks, and everywhere in between.
8. Keep a trash can inside the car.

Place a grocery bag inside a plastic cereal container. Keep the lid on, and you have the perfect travel-sized trash can.
9. Polish the leather on your dash board.

The dash board is a long, flat surface that can collect a surprising amount of dust. If you want to polish the dash, all you need is olive oil. This simple substance will soak up the dust and leave your car looking clean.
Cleaning will always be a chore, but these hacks will make cleaning the inside of your car A LOT easier.
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Source: Nifty