Peeking Penny is an adorable pooch and the perfect neighbor.
Every day, Penny the social German shepherd is there with the canine equivalent of a smile, waiting to greet her neighbor, Jennifer Bowman. It has become a routine that both look forward to every day.
In a recent post, Penny gets to say hello to start off the weekend right.

The video begins with a view of a backyard and Bowman saying, “Hi, Babe. We’re coming. We’re coming,” as the camera approaches the fence. If you aren’t familiar with Peeking Penny, then you may not know what to expect.
As the camera draws closer to the fence, you can finally catch a glimpse of a nose and some eyes peering through holes in the wood at 0:07. As the seconds pass, the image gets even clear. A dog is waiting to say good morning!
At 0:12, the pooch is greeted by the phrase “Hi, Peeker.” This is a very fitting nickname given that her nose is poking through a hole in the fence with her eyes peeking through two others.
Bowman goes through the normal conversation topics such as “How are you doing? Good morning,” not expecting any more response than a curious and friendly look. She even asks Penny if she wants some coffee. Unsurprisingly, Penny doesn’t seem to understand this conversation, but she keeps watching attentively.
This uneventful but incredibly adorable video ends with a close up of Penny’s face peeking through the holes in the fence at 0:35 and her neighbor wishing her a “Happy Friday.”

This daily greeting between Penny and her neighbor has been going on for several months now.
Bowman made the YouTube account for Peeking Penny and shared the first video on April 9, 2017. In the caption for that original video, she explained:
“Got tired of my neighbors German Shepherd jumping to peek over the fence so I made her a peeking spot. I think she likes it!”
In that first video, we can see the large hole made for the nose and the smaller ones for the eyes along with a nice one-sided conversation. The woman asks, “This is better than jumping, huh?”
There are already several other Peeking Penny videos on the YouTube account, giving us plenty of chances to see the interactions Penny has with her neighbors.
Penny is a very social dog. Before Bowman drilled the holes in the fence, she would jump to greet her each day.
Penny didn’t let the tall fence stand in her way; she would see how high she could get and if she could get a view of Bowman. Once Bowman realized how much fun the daily greetings were for both Penny and herself, she decided the logical solution was to make it easier for the pooch.
That’s when she drilled a few strategically placed holes in the fence separating their yards. She did an excellent job placing them, as they seem to be right at Penny’s head height. The smaller top holes even line up perfectly with Penny’s eyes when her nose is in the bottom one!
Since they live in California, this daily greeting can continue all year round without any worries about cold weather or snow getting in the way.
After seeing how happy Penny is to greet Bowman every morning, we may see an increase in the number of small holes drilled in fences as people socialize with their neighbor’s dogs.

Penny’s cute antics are also further proof that German shepherds are more than just great guard dogs. They can be protective or friendly based on the situation, and there is no need to shy away from these pooches.
In the meantime, we can hope that Bowman continues posting adorable videos of her and Penny.
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