One small act of kindness can go a long way. These people have restored our faith in humanity by taking little actions that show kindness to someone else. Here are 25 photos that prove that kindness holds the world together.
This person wanted the next bathroom user to know the stall was out of toilet paper.

This woman shoots awesome pictures that help dogs get adopted.

Not every kid in this school has a computer, but this man still teaches them how to use Word.

This police officer stopped a man from jumping.

This cashier stopped taking orders so she could help an elderly man into the building.

This man couldn’t find a cup so he had the cat drink from his palms.

This chef cooks free food for people who can’t afford to eat at his restaurant.

This baby sitter who plays mermaid with her little girl.

This man drives for hours to provide drinking water to wild animals stuck in drought-like conditions.

This man found an injured sparrow and immediately began researching vets in the area.

When he learned that his taxi driver had never been to an amusement park before, he invited him and paid for his ticket.

This 6 year old girl donated 13 inches of her hair.

This boy used his own body to hold a classroom door shut during a school shooting, protecting 20 fellow students with his heroic actions.

This woman made cookies and brought them to patients at the nursing home who rarely get visitors.

This Syrian refugee in Germany started making free food for the homeless.

This retired man from Atlanta visits intensive care and cuddles the babies who are treated there.

This college professor watched his student’s daughter during class when her babysitter didn’t show.

These students all pitched in to get the school janitor tickets to see his favorite band.

This homeless man collects garbage on the beach; he does it for the nature, not the money.

This family built a special wheelchair so their son could visit the ocean up close.

This book store wants to make sure every person has a chance to read.

These officers bought lunch for a mentally handicapped person they met randomly.

Young patients from a local hospital made an appearance on the field, so fans threw toys to them.

This man is holding an umbrella for a woman who can’t.

This baby is helping a doggie get a drink.

There are many ways to show kindness to a stranger, and this list shows only a few of them. What kindness have you performed or witnessed? Share your stories in the comments below.
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Source: BrightSide