Donkey And Wolf Become Best Friends
He thought he was giving the wolf an easy meal - he was wrong.
Ashley Fike

When enough people come together to fight for what is right — the results can be incredible. They can be life changing. If it wasn’t for people banding together to fight for the unlikely pair in this story and video, their future could have been much grimmer.

The story and its accompanying video are spreading across the internet like wildfire — and when you watch it, you’ll undoubtedly understand why.

This story perfectly captures the beautiful souls of animals — in this case, a donkey and a wolf.


Back in 2007, a wolf has been captured by a man in the village of Patok located in the country of Albania. Instead of letting the wolf go, the man kept the man in a small pen with no room to run around.

After days in the cage, the wolf sat alone — unsure about what his future would bring. Soon, the wolf’s captor decided to take his horrible decisions even one step further.

The man put his old, weak donkey in the cage with the wolf — thinking it would be the perfect meal for the wild canine.


The donkey had already been exploited and neglected by its owner and this was just another abhorrent act the owner was committing. He thought the donkey was too old and useless for him now.

Expecting the wolf to pounce on the opportunity of a nice hearty meal, they waited for the predator to attack the prey. However, what no one expected was that the complete opposite was going to happen.

The wolf and donkey ended up bonding and creating an incredible friendship.


Word got out to the public about the horrific conditions that this odd duo was cooped up inside. The people stood up, signed petitions and letters to the Albanian government calling for the release of these poor animals.

The Ministry of Albania was overwhelmed by the outcry that they ordered the man to release the animals. The wolf was to go back to the wild, and the donkey would go to open green pastures. The man obliged. Their efforts were acknowledged, and the public couldn’t have been happier.

It has even been reported that the wolf visits the pasture to see his donkey friend. It’s easy to understand why people have fallen in love with his mismatched pair.

Their bond is admirable and beautiful; it’s something that us humans can learn a thing or two from watching.

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