Mustaches and beards can add a lot of character to a man’s face.
There are countless different facial hair styles, though not all of them are created equal. There’s your standard mutton chops, the Fu Man Chu, the goatee and even the soul patch. Still, these are all within the realm of the recognizable. What if we told you that there was a contest for facial hair that went well beyond the norm?
Since 1990, the World Beard and Mustache Championship has celebrated unusual hair choices in Austin, Texas.
Although every year is full of it’s own incredible entries, 2017 had some particularly special contributions.
Here are 30 of the beast beards and mustaches from the 2017 championship.

1. This incredible mustache and hat combo.

2. This six-legged starfish-style beard.

3. The classic dog-snout beard.

4. Check out the symmetry on this one!

5. All the loops on this one make us dizzy.

6. A stylish and understated mustache.

7. This ZZ-Top-of-the-future look.

8. Anybody else see an octopus here?

9. This big braided beard.

10. This edgy take on the classic mutton chop.

11. This kooky take on the old-timey barber.

12. The mustache is good but the suit might be better.

13. This musical take on the mustache.

14. This impractical but awesome forest ranger beard.

15. This unfussy but dignified bushy beard.

16. This blended combination of beard and mustache.

17. This beard is almost all sideburn!

18. Not sure what’s going on here but it reminds us of a brushfire.

19. And this one is like an upside-down mushroom cloud.

20. This just might be the king of all mustaches.

21. Check out this Salvador Dali-inspired circus trainer!

22. And this one seems like it might’ve been taken from Teddy Roosevelt.

23. This one looks pretty wild and unkempt—except for that up-ticked mustache!

24. Wouldn’t want to bluff against this guy at the poker table.

25. Civil war general, anyone?

26. This one is definitely a nod towards Dali (with some flowers thrown in).

27. This is a pretty unique-looking French mime.

28. This is one of the more dignified pirates we’ve ever seen.

29. How about a 70’s-style tennis star?

30. When you just can’t decide on one beard style.
Clearly, these pictures here are just a sampling of all the incredible beards that were on display that day. Above all, this competition is a tribute to human creativity and self-expression Which ones are your favorite? Have you ever tried a daring facial hair style of your own? Tell us in the comments below!
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