While the traditional view of diamonds has been basically something along the lines of – “the bigger, the better,” people in our post-recession world seemed to have generally adjusted their view that when it comes to engagement rings, love is the most important factor- not what the man can necessarily afford. Diamond trends have fallen, especially onsidering all of its ethical implications and insane markups, and there seems to be a push for the world to get past that sort of superficiality.
One Twitter user called @Daymjina apparently neglected to get the memo that ring size doesn’t necessarily doesn’t matter, and she tweeted a photo of a small and simple engagement while cracking a joke- “Imagine finally being proposed to & this is the ring youre given ?????”
People quickly took offense at what she was implying and responded with photos and anecdotes about grand love that included a small ring.

One user told a story about their parents, while another noted a story about how he let his fiancee pick the ring, and she intentionally chose a small ring.
Others went into a more direct route and told her that she was being superficial and shallow for her ungrateful attitude towards small rings. One person asked, “You marrying the ring or the man?” while another Twitter user asked, If that was my future fiancee I would take the ring back and leave her. She is vain and self-centered. Leave her like yesterday’s trash.”

While it’s always nice to get a gift or a present, it’s always important to remember that when it comes to engagement rings, particular for young people who don’t necessarily have the means for a big rock, the sentiment is truly the most important factor. Love doesn’t cost a thing, and a ring is just a ring!
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