When a cop performed a routine traffic stop, he had no idea who he was pulling over or what he was about to get into. The video that was captured now has the world in stitches.
Jennifer Jermany was recently pulled over by Officer Scott Schrieffer, and after some standard questioning, she got out of her car to give him a piece of her mind. But here’s the thing — she’s an absolutely hilarious comedian, and he has no idea. Jennifer’s friend, Brandy Adams, is also a comedian — she happened to film the entire interaction.

Jennifer wanted to thank Officer Schrieffer for being super respectful, really nice, and — extremely handsome.
“You are the hottest cop I’ve ever been pulled over by… and you were so respectful and so nice. You came over, you communicated what you needed — and then you were hot. See, if the police department hired more hot police officers, we wouldn’t have violence anymore, ‘cos all you would do is what you did, just walk over and say ‘Hey, let me see your driver’s license and ID,’ and do that smile right there…”

Jennifer flirtatiously points out the smile that the cop has on his face as he graciously accepts her compliments with slightly blushed cheeks.
“Sir, you could bring peace to the Middle East. And I just want you to know, as I thoroughly watch you walk to your car and back, I just want you to know, I could tell you work out and I’m glad. I appreciate God helps you to work out and he did a great job on you.”

When Officer Schrieffer pulled over Jennifer’s car that day, he certainly didn’t expect to have such a hilarious and complimentary encounter, but we’re so glad that fate brought them together that day so we could witness the exchange. The good-looking cop responded with a respectful reply.
“Well, I appreciate that. It was very nice meeting you.”
So, what do you think? More “hot cops” on the police force?
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