When a date goes horribly awry, most people would brush it off and never call that person again — but not Brandon Vezmar. He wants his money back.
Vezmar recently met a woman named Crystal Cruz through the dating app Bumble. After exchanging a few messages, they agreed to go on a date — a 3D showing of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2. Sounds fun, right?
According to Vezmar, fifteen minutes into the movie, Cruz began texting. He claims she checked her phone or sent a text at least 10 to 20 times. Not only was he finding it annoying, but he claims that it’s against theater policy and she could get kicked out.

After the date was over, he sent Cruz a text scoffing at her behavior and demanding his money back — $17.31.
Vezmar was so determined to get his money back that he threatened to take Cruz to small claims court. Cruz thought the demanding text was ridiculous, so she ignored it, hoping he would go away. Sadly for her, Vezmar was going to follow through on that threat.

Cruz was shocked when she received a letter in the mail stating that there was a case against her in small claims court for the $17.31. All of this because of texts — which Cruz claims were not nearly as distracting as Vezmar claims.
Cruz claims she only sent three quick texts to a concerned friend — not a big enough deal to land her in small claims court.

Cruz went with a reporter from Inside Edition to small claims court where Vezmar was waiting outside. They hadn’t seen each other since the totally disastrous date. Cruz wanted to settle this debacle once and for all. She showed up with $17.31 in exact change.
The reporter asks Vezmar if he’s willing to drop the small claims case now that he has his $17.31 back in his pocket. Thankfully, for Cruz, he agreed.
What do you think? Did Vezmar take things a little too far? Watch the entire story below.
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