At the end of the finals period, students can count on some well-deserved time off and seniors have graduation day to look forward to. For Chloe Sutterfield, her graduation day was even more special than anyone could’ve ever imagined.
Chloe suffers from cerebral palsy but left all her classmates stunned when she got out of her wheelchair during her graduation moment to walk directly onto the stage and get her diploma.

The young woman had been suffering from cerebral palsy even since she was born. The symptoms of this quite serious condition vary but include having tremors, muscle pain, bad coordination, and often the inability to walk around independently.
On June 10, Chloe wanted to make sure that it would be a day she would forever remember. Instead of relying on her wheelchair, the courageous young woman got out of her wheelchair to walk across the stage of the King William High School in Virginia.
The graduation was captured on tape by Chloe’s friend Kami Newbill and you can hear that the crowd is absolutely deafening in applause when Chloe is being lifted from her specifically designed wheelchair at the side of the small stage.

It doesn’t take long before everyone realizes that Chloe is actually trying to get out of her wheelchair, at which point she receives a standing ovation.
“Chloe is (or was since she just graduated) a student at King William High School born with cerebral palsy,” she wrote.
She has been in a wheel chair her entire life but that doesn’t stop her from an active lifestyle.
She volunteers her time at various camps, community events and her goal on graduation day were to walk across the stage to receive her diploma.
The people helping her in the video are her brother Blake and physical therapist.
She received so much love and support from the community and Facebook.”
Chloe’s facial expressions truly say it all in the video, revealing a confident and happy young woman.

When the video of Chloe quickly spread on the internet, the newly-graduated student posted a heartfelt message on her Facebook page, thanking everyone that supported her.
“I want to say thank you to all my friends, family, and former teachers who came out to celebrate my biggest accomplishment so far.
“It means so much that you guys were able to join me yesterday, and for those who weren’t able to be there in person, thanks for reaching out to me.
It truly means a lot. I hope you guys had a great day, I know I did.”
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