Since the beginning of time, parents have been trying to get kids to do their chores.
Whether it’s cleaning, organizing, laundry, or just dinner— kids always seem to have the most convenient excuses to not help out! When they’re younger, you chalk it up to their age, hoping it’s all just a phase. But during the teen years, you discover your biggest nemesis yet: technology.
According to Growing Wireless, 88% of teenagers aged 13-17 have access to a cell phone, with 13% listing texting as their favorite form of communication.

But it doesn’t matter whether it’s online gaming, cell phones, or the household computer— these technological items are all a big barrier to getting your teenager to clean!
One mother, however, has developed an ingenious strategy to get her kids to do their chores—and all it requires is a password change, a box of crackers, and one hilarious note!
The note, which went viral after being posted on the image-sharing website Imgur, appears to be taped somewhere in the household— likely where it cannot be ignored by her distracted teens! I personally like to envision it on a television or computer screen.
I personally like to envision it on a television or computer screen.
It says simply, “Today’s WiFI password can be unlocked by texting a photo of a clean kitchen to mom.”
Just in case one of her children decides they can cheat the system, however, the mother includes one additional condition to the task:
“Said photograph MUST contain one box of crackers on the counter by the stove (to prevent re-using any previous photos).”
You can tell she has a sense of humor about the whole thing, though, ending the letter with a Hunger Games quote:
“Thank you for playing.
“May the odds be ever in your favor.
“Love, Mom”

Since being posted to Imgur, the photo of this mom’s hilarious note has been viewed over 240,000 times, garnering over 6,500 points (the website’s versions of Facebook likes).
Commenters are entertained by the mother’s tactics, being reminded of their own technology-obsessed childhoods:
“Ahh, reminds me of when my mom would do that. Except it was. ‘Turn of the damn game, clean the house, go the f*ck outside.'”
“My dad used to take the router with him to work, little did he know my brother and I kept a spare one for such an occasion.”
Others discuss how they would get around the mother’s seemingly fool-proof cheat test:
“And that’s when the kids learned how to use Photoshop.”
So, would you be willing to try out her method?
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