We’ve seen a lot of kids audition on reality TV competitions, but two-year-old Hugo Molina was a tad bit smaller than your average performer. In fact, he was the youngest contestant to be carried onto the stage of Spain’s Got Talent.
It’s hard to imagine what kind of impressive skills a toddler has besides napping and building block castles. However, believe it or not – Hugo is actually a drummer and quite good at it too.
Get ready to be amazed by his audition that’s spreading like wildfire.

There had to be some preparations for the little guy’s performance.
Performing in front of a massive crowd, judges, and the millions of viewers at home can’t be easy. Personally, I have the shakes just thinking about it. Since it would be ten times harder for a two-year-old, they decided to try and make it more calm of an atmosphere.
According to ThinkSPAIN, the show’s host Santi Millán asked everyone beforehand not to cheer or clap when the boy came out – in order to not frighten him. Hugo’s dad, Manuel Jesús, was also worried he might be too intimidated to perform.

Hugo’s just cute as a button – but did he really have a lot of talent too?
The judges appeared slightly shocked when they first laid eyes on Hugo, who was being carried in his dad’s arms. He still had that adorable babyish-look, which was perfectly complemented by his overalls.
Manuel Jesús sets his son down by a drum and hands him some drumsticks. It was finally time to see him in action.

He was a natural musician.
Some kids seem to come out of the womb with incredible talents. Remember the three-year-old girl who could play Bach on the piano?
With trumpets playing in the background, Hugo began hitting his drum following along to the beat. Several of the judges’ jaws dropped seeing his skills in motion.

But he was just getting started.
After a few moments, Hugo’s performance went to the next level as he started incorporating a wood block into his act. He rhythmically tapped it all while staring out into the crowd. Are we sure he’s two?
He then moved back to the drum with a faster beat than earlier. Everyone watching seemed blown away by the tyke and his musical abilities.
The audience and judges were so impressed that they all jumped to their feet to give Hugo a standing ovation.

It was a sight that brought tears to Manuel Jesús’ eyes.
Most parents put their children in front of themselves. So the thought of seeing others showing such great respect for your child would be even more emotional than receiving the applause yourself.
For this reason, Hugo’s dad couldn’t help needing a tissue.

What did the judges think about the youngest contestant they’d seen on Spain’s Got Talent?
ThinkSPAIN helped translate some of the comments on their site. According to their article, judge Risto Mejide said:
“He kept the rhythm the whole time and that just shows his talent is innate. You’re either born to do this or you’re not.”
Spanish singer Edurne expressed:
“My head’s still spinning.”
In the end, Hugo’s given four ‘yesses’ from the entire panel, advancing him in the competition. Not too bad of an accomplishment for being only two!

Watch the video below to see this little drummer boy in action!
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