Lots of times when you spot a pair of twins you almost immediately know that they are twins. But not all the time. Take Isabella and Gabriella for example.
In addition to being fraternal twin sisters who have thousands of adoring fans on Instagram, the two infants have drastic differences in the color of their skin tones.
“It has been an amazing reception sharing our babies online, it really shows how amazing Black genes are since we can create such unique babies,” the twins’ mother Clementina Shipley told Essense.
Their mother says that there are a lot more obvious differences between the 7-month-old girls than the color of their skin.

“Isabella is a calm baby and super laid back. She giggles whenever you stare at her and loves to be tickled,” she said. “Gabriella started crawling at 5 months as has not stopped moving since. She a smiling ball of energy and loves to snuggle.”
The girls have more than 20,000 followers on Instagram who admire how these gorgeous little girls exemplify black beauty.
“We have received a ton of love from our posts. Most people have showered them with positivity. Of course there have been a few negative comments as well, but that comes with the territory, Clementina says.
“From time to time we’ve ran into negative comments about Gabriella’s color, if she’s loved and if she considered beautiful because of her darker complexion. Also some people think they must be mixed but they are African-American, gray eyes run in our family so two of our three children have them, once again showing how amazing African-American genes are.”

Clementina also has a 3-year-old named Angelina who is just as beautiful as her sisters.
“Our oldest Angelina is doing great as a big sister, from the day she met the twins she wanted to hold and hug them,” Shipley said of the 2-year-old.
Isn’t she just stunning! Look at those eyes!

“Angelina has been the youngest for a long time in an all-girl family, so I think she was happy to be able to help take care of the babies. Sometimes she is a little rough when trying to play with them, so we have to monitor that,” she told ESSENCE. “But overall, she is a wonderful big sister.”

You can check out pictures of these breathtaking toddlers on their Instagram page @littlestronggirls.
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