Hearing someone sing the national anthem can cause a lump in your throat, but not many are as adorable as one tiny tot’s performance.
When two-year-old Maddy Dellaca began singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” in her family’s home, fortunately, her mom Chelsea decided to hit record. The footage captured is so stinkin’ cute it’s won over the internet.

She learned it from somebody…her daddy, of course!
Little kids often try and imitate their parents, which can lead to some pretty priceless moments (or embarrassing too).
Maddy picked up on our country’s national anthem after a year of her dad practicing the tune for an audition. His goal was to perform it at an Iowa Cubs’ baseball game in front of a crowd. With all the times Maddy heard the song – it makes sense that she wanted to sing it like her dad.

The toddler started singing it all the time.
In her interview with Inside Edition, Chelsea explained how much Maddy would sing the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Frankly, it sounds like it was a lot!
Maddy’s mom said:
“She’s been literally singing every day. A lot of times we’ll sing it in the car. If we’re running somewhere, she’ll just randomly start singing it. She’s just singing it for fun.”

With all that practice it’s no wonder she became pretty good at performing it.
In the video below, you’ll get a chance to hear Maddy’s quite impressive rendition of our national anthem. Now, she might not get all the words right, but let’s face it, there are a lot of adults who get them mixed up too!
The girl has on a backward Cubs hat and is holding a plastic microphone. She’s even standing on a mini-platform just like she’s the star of the show.

Get ready for a chuckle.
Maddy starts belting out the lyrics in her own precious way. It goes a little like,
“Oh-uh say can yooooou seeeeee, By a doooot tur weeee yiiiight.”
While performing the two-year-old turns back and forth, perhaps a move she learned from her dad? Although some of the lyrics are slightly off, she has the tune down like a pro.
Chelsea told Inside Edition:
“You know, it’s amazing at this young of an age. There’s really nothing you can’t teach them.”

At one point, the scene goes to another level of cuteness.
During the clip, Maddy takes a tiny stumble but quickly catches herself. She looks at the camera and says, “Wootsie daisy!” Can you say, aww?

Get ready for some more fun lyrics like, “Frew the pow wool eh pie. Or pa waaaaaah aaaah vee iii.” Hearing her sing them though is what melts your heart into a puddle.
Maddy’s future is looking pretty bright.
Despite being so young, Maddy’s parents can already picture their daughter’s name in lights. Well, or at least part of a theater group!
“She’s only 2, but she definitely will do something in theater.”

Having your first online performance go viral is pretty good for a knee-high toddler. People on YouTube have been loving it too.
One person commented:
“For a two year old to have the melody down like that, that’s awesome.”
Another commenter agrees she’s on a road to being famous.
“So freakin cute! She’s gonna grow up to be a star I just know it.”
Press play on the video below to see Maddy’s aww-worthy version of the “Star-Spangled Banner.”
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