One giant delivery.
One home near Chattanooga, Tennessee is getting a lot of attention these days. For months now, Amazon boxes have been slowly but steadily dropped off in front of the home. The homeowners were being bombarded with deliveries and were just leaving them to accumulate in their front yard. As neighbors watched on in confusion, they did everything they could to find out why this was happening.

Neighbor reaches out to the local news.
In a desperate attempt to figure out why their neighbor has an insane amount of Amazon boxes on their front lawn, one woman reaches out to the local news. 23 ABC News came out to the home to investigate. The woman who called asked not to be on camera but wanted to see if there was anything that could be done.

A neighborhood with questions.
23 ABC News spoke with neighbors who said new deliveries arrive all the time and some are half-full or even empty. It was a mystery to everyone so the station reached out to local police for answers.

“It kind of makes the neighborhood look a little crazy.” – A neighbor told 23 ABC News
One neighbor spoke to 23 ABC News about her concerns over her neighbor’s yard turning into an Amazon storage facility. “It started out maybe there were 20 packages out there and then became a hundred and then thousands…I don’t know what is in the packages but you know I would imagine the weather damages whatever is in the packages…it just stays outside.” – 23 ABC News

This isn’t the worst they have seen.
Another neighbor told 23 ABC News that this isn’t even the worst that it’s been. “It’s dwindled down quite a bit but I mean it used to be stacked all the way out to the road.” – 23 ABC News

The homeowner responds.
After the police advised them to reach out to the county, there was unfortunately no response. It was time to confront the homeowners. The homeowners told 23 ABC News they didn’t want to be on camera but gave some insight on why their yard looked like a cardboard graveyard.

Temporary storage.
After being questioned about their gigantic buildup of Amazon deliveries, the homeowner said that “they have a friend who has a contract with an Amazon warehouse in China. They say that whenever that friend’s contract expires she will send the packages to their house for the family to sort and then send back to Amazon for the company to sell.” – 23 ABC News

A headache for some.
The neighbors were able to get answers but some are still understandably concerned about the steady stream of Amazon deliveries piling up on their neighbor’s front lawn. One woman says her packages often get delivered to that house and her husband has to walk down to retrieve them. Another neighbor seems to be able to look the other way. “I could care less…let people live.” – 23 ABC News

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