Dinosaurs are extinct. We’re all fairly confident in this fact and can rest easy knowing that the behemoth carnivores of Earth’s past are long gone.
But for that split second, when you’re face-to-face with what looks just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, you’re not sure of anything anymore.
By now you may have seen that T-Rex costumes are all the rage, making appearances in music videos, prank shows, and just about every costume aisle at a party store. But what happens when you put a man in a nearly life-size replica T-Rex suit and have him stalk around the office?
Well, hilarity predictably ensues.

The “man-eating” beast wanders through the office building, stealthily sneaking around corners and waiting behind pillars. When the moment strikes, he leaps from his hiding spot to send an unwitting co worker into full flight as they run for safety.
Or he waits in front of the elevator doors, eagerly waiting for them to open so he can send papers flying, coffee spilling, and people yelping before they realize T-Rex’s have been extinct for millions of years.
But what T-Rex costume would be complete without the ability to send a bone-chilling roar? Fear not, wearer of this beastly yet genius ensemble, you can unleash the bloodthirsty call of a prehistoric predator to any unsuspecting office mate.

Prankster, beware: this suit has a mighty long tail that has a penchant for taking out office lights and whacking people in the head. Destructive, yes, but you might be making for more than a few enemies if you’re not totally aware of how large you actually are.
It’s silly, this costume. But it’s also devilishly frightening. We all comprehend the fact that this monster lives only in fossil records, thankfully lost to the animal kingdom (hopefully) forever. It’s human nature, however, to believe it all.

We enjoy the thrill of potential danger without the actual threat of bodily injury. This T-Rex costume is such a fun prank not only for it’s remarkable accuracy and attention to detail but for how willing we are to fall for it.
It’s fun and games, yes. And this T-Rex suit is far more menacing than the comically plushy get-ups that are making the rounds on social media these days. But there’s a slight part of each one of us that just cannot deny that momentary thrill of encountering a true predator.

If you truly don’t enjoy being scared and you happen to see this guy creeping towards you, just take a glance at his arms — look how tiny those things are! Just imagine him trying to open a mayonnaise jar.
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