Water consumption affects many aspects of our daily lives, and it’s easier to lose fluids than it is to gain them. Our bodies use water to regulate everything, and need more depending on physical exercise, external heat, and sickness. Staying hydrated and healthy is important. Take a look at this list for signs of dehydration.

1) Dry / Sticky Mouth
The lack of water can lead to the salivary glands not making enough saliva, resulting in a dry or sticky mouth feel, according to Mayo Clinic. This can also make swallowing more difficult.
2) Less Frequent Urination
When the body does not receive as much water as it is losing in day-to-day functions, the kidneys start to retain water to make up for the higher concentrations of blood, according to Business Insider.
3) Muscle Cramps

If the body does not have enough fluids when working out, the chances of muscle cramps increase, according to MedlinePlus. While the more common muscles to experience cramping are found in the leg, the feet, arms, hands, and abdomen are also likely to cramp as well.
4) Dizziness
Mild dehydration can affect the cognitive behavior in certain individuals, according to “Water, Hydration and Health,” a public manuscript regarding the effects of dehydration. This can lead to dizziness, problems in concentration, and in some cases short-term memory issues.
5) Increased Heart Rate
With less water in the body, the blood volume decreases as a result, according to “Water, Hydration and Health,” and so increases the heart rate of a dehydrated person. Another impact this has is lowering blood pressure when transitioning from laying down to standing up.
6) Less Elastic Skin
Lack of water in the body will cause the skin to start to become tight, according to The International Dermal Institute, causing cracks from stretching that can bleed.

7) Thirst
One of the most common symptoms, thirst is the body’s way of communicating that it needs more fluids. Extreme thirst is a clear sign of dehydration and should be treated with sucking on ice cubes or sipping water.
8) Dry, Cool Skin
Dry skin will look and/or feel rough and itchy. The skin will start to take on a scaly appearance when dehydrated and will be cool to the touch, according to the International Dermal Institute.
9) Headache

Headaches and migraines can be caused if someone has lower than normal body fluids, but can be quickly dealt with by drinking water, according to “Water, Hydration and Health.”
According to PubMed, the average male should consume 3.7 liters of water and the average women should consume 2.7 liters.
However, these numbers will fluctuate based on daily exercise and heat stress. Be prepared by knowing the signs of dehydration and prevent it by drinking plenty of fluids daily; contact your healthcare provider if a dehydrated person loses consciousness as that can lead to possible complications and issues.
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