Social media has brought with it, a wide variety of dance challenges that spread across the internet like wildfire. One of those challenges that quickly spread, was the Running Man Challenge. It incorporates the widely known running man dance, with the 1996 song “My Boo” by Ghost Town DJs. This Sheriff’s Office got nominated to do the challenge and pulled out all the stops to make it memorable.
They pretty much got the whole community involved!

San Juan Sheriff’s Office did an epic #RunningManChallenge, that included cops and civilians alike
After being nominated by the Farmington Police Department, the SJ Sheriff’s Office decided to go all out and include many people from the San Juan community. They even got high school cheer squads to help with the incredible challenge.

At the beginning of their SJ Sheriff Offices Running Man Challenge, you can see Sherrif Christesen, talking to UnderSheriff Ferrari about whether or not they should do the challenge before Ferrari gets an idea and suddenly we’re watching his daydream.

You can see people riding horses and the Sheriff’s car rolling in slow motion, then the cheerleaders take over with some hilarious lip-syncing

One of the cheerleaders lip-syncs the intro, she makes hysterical hand gestures to go along, before a sea of police officers and cheerleaders start doing the Running Man dance.

The cowgirls on their horses in the back round even get in on the action, they clap with the cheerleaders as they pick it up a notch. Set on outdoing Farmington PD, they switch songs after doing the Running Man and do some more awesome dances.

That’s when the Sheriff is handed a toy horse to ride and the song changes to ‘Jump On It’ by Sugarhill Gang
Just like that, San Juan PD changes the game doing another funny dance to a famous party song. When the soundtrack for Ginuwine’s “Pony” comes on, the crime-fighting dog Scruff McGruff comes out to stop them.

They’re not done yet, “Tricky” by Run DMC starts playing and everyone dances, even the Sheriff shows us his freestyle dance moves. At the end of the song, the Sherrif does a classic mic drop Before UnderSherrif Ferrari snaps out of his daydream and asks the Sheriff:

“So what do you think?” The Sherrif jokingly replies: “I think you’ve been playing Pokemon too much at night, and you need to probably go home and get some sleep.”

The video went semi-viral with over 311k views and 3.4k likes, that’s impressive for a Police Department
The #RunningManChallenge was started by two high school students from New Jersey, until Maryland Basketball players Jaylen Brantley, Damonte Dodd, and Jared Nickens took the challenge to a whole new level. They posted multiple videos of themselves doing the #RunningManChallenge in all sorts of comical places.

This is not to be confused by the hip hop version of the Running Man dance, that gained popularity in the ’80s and ’90s. This version of the Running Man dance originated in the New Jersey club dancing scene. You just pump your arms keeping them close to your body, while simultaneously shuffling and crossing your feet.

This is one of the best Running Man Challenges out there, to see the San Juan Sheriffs Office’s #RunningManChallenge, watch the video below!
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