When people pay for professional photos, they expect something along the lines of this:

or this…

…not something out of a horror film, which is what the Zarings got.
Apparently, the Zarings weren’t actually in the market for professional photographs, but when a middle-aged woman reached out to them with a deal they couldn’t refuse, they decided that some family photos wouldn’t be a bad idea. The woman, who marketed herself as a professional photographer, took the couple and their two kids to the popular Forest Park in St. Louis, where they snapped beautiful pictures with Mother Nature in all its glory. They paid here $250 and didn’t hear from the woman again until 8 months later.
What had the woman been up to for 8 months, you wonder? She was photoshopping!
8 months after the random photoshoot, the couple received a package in the mail containing a disc. On the disc were images of there, er, beautiful family, that had them dying of laughter.
Apparently, Lesa Halls’ (the photographer) instructor never taught her how to photoshop correctly (her words). The result? Four creepy cartoon faces that had zero human features and eyes and teeth that looked like they were drawn in Paint.
“She said the shadows were really bad on the beautiful, clear, sunny day and that her professor never taught her to retouch photos,” Pam Dave Zaring wrote.
Pam did ask for the original photos of her family, but she didn’t ask for a refund. Apparently, the Zarings are one of those rare families that just roll with the punches. According to Pam, the photoshoot “has been worth every dime” for all the giggles it produced.
So, do you want to see what kind of professional photographs you will get for $250? Check them out below.

You were warned!

This one should definitely be sent to Grandma for the wall.

New profile pic? I think yes!

A touching mother and son moment if there ever was one.

Proof that mother- and daughter-in-laws can get along.

The Zarings ask that everyone be kind about these photographs, as it’s clear that Lesa took considerable time with edits, and even if the finished product didn’t turn out as they may have hoped, the pictures brought much more joy into their lives than they ever could have imagined professional photos would.

So, what does the family really look like?

The resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it?
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