These elementary school boys showed off true patriotism in a recent rainstorm.
Nate Helmath and Isaac Davis are members of Coppergate Elementary School’s safety patrols, meaning they are responsible for raising and lowering the flag each day. In an act of patriotism that has been praised far and wide, the two boys performed their duties at their Middleburg, Florida, school in the pouring rain.

Their impressive act of patriotism was originally posted to the Coppergate Elementary School’s Facebook page on Aug. 20 and has since gone viral, with those around the country praising these two boys.
Kim Miskowski, the school’s media specialist, snapped photos of the boys performing their duty, without letting the falling rain impact their efforts.

In the Facebook post, Miskowski explained:
“This is what RESPECT looks like at Coppergate. Two of our safety patrols, Nate and Isaac, quietly went to the courtyard and completed their flag duty in a driving rainstorm.”
While others may have completed their duty, but only met the bare minimum of standards, these boys didn’t let the rain stop them.
The post continued:
“Not only did they bring the flag down, they also stood in the wind and rain and calmly completed the 13 folds. Then Nate protected the flat as he walked with honor and respect to retire it for the day.”
It ended with praise for the boys:
“We are so proud of Nate and Isaac for their responsibility, respect, devotion to duty, and love of country.”
Soon after, news of the boys’ patriotic actions spread.
After just a few days, the school reposted the photos, along with a long caption:
“The faculty, staff, students, and families of Coppergate Elementary want to send our sincere appreciation for all the kind words of support for our two patriotic and exceptional young men, Nate and Isaac, who protected the United States flag during a rainstorm.”
That post went on to explain:
“We have been overwhelmed and amazed with the power of positivity!”
Here is the full post for reference
Later in August, both 11-year-old boys, as well as their school, received recognition from the American Security Council Foundation.
That nonprofit is found across the country and promotes peace via strength. The boys and their school earned the “Good Citizenship Award.”

Nate, Isaac, and Miskowski all talked to Action News Jax to share their thoughts on the whole experience.
Miskowski told reporters:
“They were folding the flag reverently. They were reverent. And they were doing 13 folds… and you know, our country is in a little bit of turmoil… it just struck me. When they walked away they held it… cradled it to protect it. And it was just a moment that was meant to be, I think.”
For Nate, his deep sense of patriotism comes naturally. Both of his parents served in the military and his father was actually wounded during service in the Army.
Isaac was also proud of the photo and the effect he hoped it would have on others:
“I feel like we have good people in the country and that we should all be good.”

These boys certainly take their responsibilities seriously.
Admittedly, they knew when they signed up for safety patrol that they would occasionally get wet, but no one could have guessed the lack of impact the rain would have on their actions.
Coppergate Elementary School shared the Action News Jax article and accompanying video, along with the description:
“Coppergate is in the news again! Thanks to all of our kids for making us proud! Special thanks to the American Security Council Foundation for the special citizenship award given to Nate and Isaac for their actions protection the American flag during a rainstorm.”
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source: Fox30 JAX