Creative dance performances are always so much fun to watch, especially when the choreography is paired with unique props and eye-catching costumes. Even the song choice has a lot to do with the overall success and appeal of any production.
Asian Fusion Dance is an all-female group of talented dancers that incorporate pop culture with traditional, culturally significant dance.
One of their standout performances was the umbrella dance.

Inspired by the Chinese umbrella dance, this particular dance performance involved colorful umbrellas, all black ensembles, and bare feet.
Chinese dances weren’t originally made for entertainment and celebrations. Various dances in Chinese history were initially created for religious ritual, and believed to have significance in bringing abundant fishing, good harvests, and even driving out evil spirits. (Source: But with each dynasty came many different recorded dance types, each one serving its purpose in cultural expression.
Asian Fusion respects culture and keeps tradition alive by creatively combining modern dance, pop culture, and traditional elements.

The simplicity of their monochromatic costumes highlighted the vibrant hues of the Chinese umbrellas.
The twelve ladies, grouped into four, formed three rows in the middle of the stage. As “Intro” by indie pop band The xx played, the dancers began their routine which immediately prompted applause from the audience.

The unique arrangement of steps involved the swift opening and closing of umbrellas by each row – both vertical and horizontal. As the umbrellas opened and closed in time with the beat of the song, it produced an effect that looked somewhat like large, colorful 3D flowers blossoming, made even more mesmerizing by a gradient backdrop.
The blending of steps highlighted the traditional dance and the effect they were going for.

The movement of the umbrellas kept up as the dancers switched from one formation to the other.
The simplicity of the costumes and stage kept the spotlight on the complex and fascinating dance.
Imagine how challenging it is to create choreography that successfully produces the effect you want to achieve. Add to that the mastery of cues and keeping in time with each other, all while opening, closing, and twirling umbrellas.

It takes a sharp, trained eye to catch errors in this type of dance. As explained in the group’s YouTube channel, the bottom row apparently had a bit of mix-up during the dance but we’re guessing it’s not an error one can easily spot.
Regardless of the flaw, it was still a delight to watch.

Seeing as how the umbrella dance remains an important part of Chinese culture, it’s especially refreshing to see these incredible women proudly demonstrating on stage how to incorporate the traditional Chinese umbrella in dance.
Moreover, how wholly beautiful it remains despite today’s trends and the rise of many different dance types.

That’s why it comes as no surprise that this particular performance garnered over a million views on YouTube, with users sounding off in the comments section on how amazing the entire dance was and how beautiful the patterns and effects were.
See more of Asian Fusion Dance by visiting their channel and watching their other dances.
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