Though the word Christ is in the name, many people forget about Jesus when it comes to celebrating Christmas. With decorations focusing more and more on Santa and the stories of the North Pole, it seems that Jesus is being boxed out of Christmas. One fast food chain decided that it was time for a change.

A McDonald’s restaurant in Tennessee wanted to use its window space to remind viewers of the true meaning of the holiday. Instead of decorating the window with common decorations like candy canes, snowmen, gifts, and trees, they decided to do something different. The resulting image went viral, with thousands of social media users showing support.
This McDonald’s brought back the original meaning of Christmas by displaying a nativity scene. The drawing featured the baby Jesus in the middle, laying in his manger with a white cross over his head. On either side of the scene are words for the holiday: “His name is Jesus” and “Rejoice.” This restaurant wanted to share appreciation for the true meaning of the holiday.

Many Christians appreciated the touching display – from in-person customers to people who discovered the image online. One person in particular really appreciated the scene.
Amy Basel is the founder of Your Path, His Plan, a blog in which she focuses on the power of God’s love. “The entire purpose of my ministry is to reach a hurt, desolate, and hopeless world so I can share the Gospel, love, and POWER of Jesus Christ through boldness and truth,” Amy shares on her blog. This girl has been through a lot, and she gives the credit for her incredible recovery to her savior.

When Amy drove by the McDonald’s and saw the nativity scene, it warmed her heart. She instantly snapped a picture to post online with the caption, “Drove by and did a double-take. Growing up in The Mitten, you would NEVER see this. Tennessee McDonald’s…you made my day.”
Her Facebook post went viral! It was shared more than 82,000 times and liked by nearly 138,000 users. A huge community of Christians were thrilled to see a powerful corporation getting back to the basics of Christmas.

In an ever-changing world where consumerism is pushed more and more during the holidays, it is heartwarming to know that some people are still focused on what matters. This holiday season, be sure to spread love and joy and to remember the true meaning of Christmas.
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