Woman Breaks Down In Tears When Stranger Gives Her His Generator
It is these acts of kindness that restore my faith in humanity.
Arianna Etemadieh

It is a frightening time in the United States.

As Texas recovers from the horrific devastation of Hurricane Harvey, where it’s estimated that the city may take years to recover, terrible fires ravage the Northwestern United States.

But hurricane season is far from over. Hurricane Irma’s catastrophic might is on its way to Florida while Hurricane Jose looms around the corner.

As meteorologists warn Floridians of Irma’s wrath, many are doing what they can to brace themselves. Stores are being swarmed as people prepare for the worst.

Pam Brekke of Central Florida was one of these people heading straight to the store to prepare. But she had a special urgency: her father is on oxygen, and she desperately needed to get an oxygen generator for him.

She sprinted into Lowe’s in search of an oxygen generator for her father – only to discover a heartbreaking sight. She had just missed the last generator.

Pam was so crushed that she broke down into tears in the middle of the store.

Many passerbys looked on, unsure of what to do with Pam’s distress. But one complete and total stranger, Ramon Santiago, noticed her, and decided to help Pam out.

In an overwhelming act of generosity, Ramon approached Pam and insisted that she take his oxygen generator.

This time, Pam broke down into happy tears.


“It’s going to be okay,” he assures her in the heartwarming video, giving her a consoling hug while Pam weeps in his arms.

Her reaction really tugs at the heartstrings. This is what being a human is all about – showing compassion for one another, especially in time of struggle and desperation.

The captured video received over 14 million views, and many were quick to praise Ramon for his generous act.


Pam, too, expressed her gratitude: “That’s a beautiful man right there,” she says, her voice still choked up from Ramon’s selfless action.

I hope everyone is safe from Hurricane Irma and looks out for one another like Ramon did for Pam, from one stranger to another.

Please SHARE this man’s amazing act with your friends and family.

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