Losing a loved one is difficult for everyone. Sometimes grief can be overwhelming, and people have to find ways to take comfort in the little things.
For mother-of-two Marsha, hanging on to her late grandmother’s wedding ring was a small comfort. The ring was all she had left of her grandmother, and her grief came at an already troubled time.
“Marsha has been through so much these last couple years, with work and health issues” said her son Justin, though he never lost faith in her ability to rise above her hardships:
“She is the strongest woman I know and the most supporting mother someone could ever hope to have.”
Unfortunately, in the midst of a string of difficult issues including divorce, depression, and health problems, Marsha lost her grandmother’s ring.
Marsha’s teenage kids, Dayna and Justin, knew that losing the great-grandmother’s priceless wedding room had been devastating for their mother.
That’s why when Dayna found the ring three weeks later, they decided to film its return to their hardworking mother.
Dayna was in the yard, running through the snow with their family dog. when she stopped short. She couldn’t believe what she saw.

“Nanny made me look down,” Dayna says as she recounts the story for the camera. Justin is filming, and they’re both by the front door of their house, waiting anxiously for Marsha to come home.
“Nanny made me look down and find her ring,” Dayna repeats. “Oh! Here she comes!”
They open the door and meet Marsha as she walks up to the house from the driveway.
“What’s the matter?” Marsha asks, confused.
“We have something… for you that you’re going to be very excited about,” Justin says.
“My ring!” She says, tearing up.
“Mom, you’re the best mom in the world and I love you and I have your ring,” Dayna says, holding out her hands.
Marsha’s reaction is absolutely incredible.

Watch the video to experience this heartwarming moment for yourself. Just make sure you’ve got a box of tissues close by!
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