Now that the holidays have come and gone, it’s time to reminisce about all the good times we had during the holidays. Going broke, dealing with the inlaws, fake-liking a present you have no use for, eating Grandma’s fruitcake with a smile on your face…that sort of thing. Okay, let’s face it: the holidays are exhausting. Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE the holidays, but by the time they’re over, BOY, am I glad they’re over. Apparently, a couple dozen other people feel the same exact way, so rather than tire themselves out before the festivities have even begun, they ease themselves into it.
People around the web have been calling these 19people lazy, but me? I say they’re genius. By setting low expectations for themselves and everyone else, they actually have a shot at enjoying the holiday season, rather than coming out the tail end of it feeling like they’d been hit by the Polar Express.
1. This guy, who felt like killing two birds with one stone.

2. Another jokester who believes in making the best use of his time. “Honey, I finally finished the Christmas decorations!”

3. The girl who couldn’t be bothered to put up a tree.

5. The person who felt just “Meh” about Christmas.

6. This person who finally stepped up to the plate when no one in her office would take the Christmas tree out of the box and decorate it. Now that’s what we like to call #initiative

7. #lifehack or lazy? I’ll let you decide. #whenhubbycleansupthechristmasdecor

8. This girl, who first decided to go big, then decided, f-it, I’m going home.

9. This poor believer, who doesn’t understand how ghetto his Christmas tree is.

10. This person who is more lazy than clever, in my humble opinion.

11. This “Australian” Christmas tree.

12. This person, who believes that no resources should go wasted.

13. This clever mama. I’m so doing this next year.

14. This couple, who can’t seem to agree on what and what does not make a perfect Christmas tree.

15. This Grinch.

16. This good Christian.

17. This National Lampoon’s Fan.

18. This copycat.

19. And this guy who spits the truth.

So, if the holidays have got you down in the dumps this January (literally…I. Am. BROKE.), just remember these clever holiday decorations and try to emulate some of them next year. They’re simple to put up, just as easy to take down, and won’t leave you feeling like you just gave a kidney come the New Year.
Happy New Year!
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