Love is the most powerful thing in this world. People have waged war, sacrificed, and even died in the name of love. There is literally nothing more beautiful than the act of falling in love.
South Korean illustrator Hyocheon Jeong gets that, and the 27-year-old’s recent body of work shows all the reasons why.
Her illustrations recreate all the beautiful moments that take place when two people fall in love.
“The sources of my inspiration are always stories of people,” Jeong told Bored Panda. “Most of them are the stories of me and my boyfriend. I also get my ideas from the conversation with my friends.”
Her stunning works of art will surely tug at your heartstrings.
Inching Closer
That awesome, yet terrifying, feeling you feel throughout your entire body when it automatically gravitates toward the object of your affections.

At Home Dance Parties
You know you’re in love when you can have a dance party in your pjs with you significant other and feel no shame.

Studying Their Face
You know you’re in love when you want to study every corner of your lover’s face. Or are willing to identify and pull out their blackheads.

Being Held While You Sleep
This may, hand down, be the best thing about being in love.

When You’re Willing to Watch the End Credits
Because every single moment with your lover is like heaven and you don’t want to miss a minute of it.

Breakfast in Bed
Breakfast in bed is amazing all on its own but when you’re in love and you have a breakfast in bed partner it’s way better.

Staring Into Each Other’s Eyes
Because you swear that you can get lost in them forever.

Weirding Out Together
When you could be your weird self with your lover because they’re just a weirdo too.

When You Partner Looks Adorable Doing Anything
Including brushing their teeth.

When You Could Talk Forever
Especially when it’s under the stars.

When Selfies Aren’t Just of Yourself
Because your self has become merged with another.

Date Nights
Because going out for a night on the town is so much more fun with your significant other.

Having a Shoulder to Lean On
Because no one will understand you better than your other half.

Homemade Dinners
Because who needs to go to a fancy restaurant when you can make a delicious meal for your love.

When you’re perfectly content just sitting because you’re with your love.

Tiny Kisses
That give you the shivers because they are so sweet.

Getting Down
Because duh… no explanation needed.

Rain, What Rain?
When you don’t even notice the bad weather because your heart is filled with the sunshine of love.

The Passion
Because it makes you lose all your senses and plunges you fully into the moment.


Because it’s easier to celebrate and be appreciative of things when you have your significant other to be grateful for.
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